Chap. 6

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Chap. 6

Kyla sat in her bed the next day crying and trying hard not to replay the scenes of yesterday over in her head. She still couldn’t believe that it had happened to her, when she had tried so hard to save her virginity for someone special. She walked over to her mirror and stared back at her reflection. She was no longer beautiful. Still dressed in the clothes she had leftover from last night, her purple swollen eye stood in contrast to the rest of her light brown skin. Her normally silky hair was now nappy and tangled. The blood had dried on her face, and her lip had blood on it, and was also swollen.

Kyla made a double-take at her reflection and noticed something was off. When her vision zoomed in to her ear she noticed one earring was missing. She looked all around her room, under her pillows, on top of dressers and everywhere little crack an earring could possible fit into. But she couldn’t find it.

“FUCK!” She shouted slamming her fist on the wall.

Now she had to go back to Anferni’s house to get one of her two carat earrings her mother had spent so much money on! And if she asked her mother to go get it, she’d know Kyla wasn’t home last night and would automatically jump to conclusions. Also didn’t want to get anybody else killed in the scheme of things, especially her mother. So she knew that all that was left was going back to Anferni’s house and get the earring as fast as possible avoiding any eye contact and conversation.

Kyla scurried down the street and came to a halt when she was in front of Anferni’s house. She took a deep breath and walked up to door and knocked on it, memories coming back to yesterday when she had thought everything would be fine. Seconds later Anferni opened the door and looked down at her with a surprised look on his face,


Kyla pushed him aside, and rushed into Anferni’s room. Anferni trailed right behind her.

“Came for more, huh?’ He asked with a calm smirk placed on his face. Kyla held in a scream of frustration and searched around for the earring. She looked under the bed and comforter but came up short.

“Wh-Where is my e-earring?!” She shouted at Anferni. He was surprised by the outrage in Kyla’s eyes but quickly covered it up by rolling his own.

“Oh that thing? Ramon found it yesterday, took it to his house. Apparently he thought it was his. Gay ass self,” Anferni said.

Kyla wheezed, "Oh shit, oh shit."

"Everything'll be alright, baby," Anferni said, pulling her into him and forcibly hugging her. She kneed him in his balls and put up her middle finger. Anferni screamed out in pain and slid to the floor, cupping his hand over his nuts.

“Bastard,” Kyla shouted. She slapped him hard on his cheek and ran out of the house before he decided he was fine, and he wanted to get rid of Kyla forever.

~~~Thinking Outside of the Box~~~

When Kyla reached Ramon’s house she knocked as hard as she could. When Ramon’s mother answered the door she looked surprised.

“I thought the police were here, how hard you were banging on my poor door! Are you here for Ramon, hon?” Mrs. Taylor asked. “Because he’s at the skating park. I’ll take a message.”

Kyla froze. No way would she was barely bold enough to demand the earring from Ramon at a private place, much less public.

“No… No that’s fine, Mrs. Taylor. Thank you so much though and I’m sorry about the obnoxious knocking.” Kyla said.

"My dear, are you alright, Kyla? You look like you got in a tussle."

Kyla nodded. "Alley fight. Some-some... girls beat me up."

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