Chap. 15

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She was surrounded by eyes. Not just regular eyes. Eyes she recognized. Anferni's, which had a wayward twinkle to them - unlike Ramon's, which was how she told them apart. Ramon's, who had more of a boyish tinge and a darker ring of brown outlining his hazel eyes. Quenton's, which were smiling even if his mouth wasn't. Her mother's, which held a dull sparkle to them. And last but not least, D'ante''s brown chocolate eyes which held the quality of maturity, understanding and a sparkle only God could deliver.

“One guy cannot hold all of your burdens,” D'ante' said, his deep voice booming in the darkness.

Kyla wished she could carry her own.

Kyla woke up, sweating from her dream. She hated dreams. Or was it nightmares that she hated?

Mondays sucked ass.

Kyla sat right side up and stretched. It was 5 am, a little early, a little late. She had just enough time to get ready to go to school.

Her first day at Quenton’s school.

She blew a sad breath out and her bangs flew up in response. She wished she could sleep in all day. Instead, she had to start a whole new lifestyle.

Instead of sitting in bed, sulking over this problem, she decided to get up and take a shower. Even if she had took a bath the night before.

Her phone started ringing and she grabbed at it, and answered, hoping the shower water in the background wasn’t blocking out the sound.

 “Hey, we’ll be there in 30 minutes,” Quenton said from the other end, relieving Kyla that it wasn’t Ramon or Anferni. “Taking a shower? Hurry up, remember you need paper, a couple of notebooks and pencils. Oh, and a bookbag. Especially, a bookbag.”

Kyla had at least half of those things with her. Half a notebook, one half filled with her deepest and darkest secrets. A couple of pencils and pens, and maybe she had packed some paper in her haste. But who packs paper? Maybe she could use her duffle bag that held her toiletries for a bookbag.

“Uh, right. I’ll try. See you then,” Kyla said. “Oh, and just come up and knock, I won’t be down there in enough time.”

Quenton sighed. “I’m taking you shopping tomorrow, okay? Maybe at least you’ll be ready in a sooner amount of time.”

Kyla chortled. “I doubt it,” she pointed out before hanging up and returning to her shower. She had standing in the yellow tub with hot water spraying on her back for 2 minutes before it turned below freezing cold. Kyla shrieked, hopped out the shower and hoped nobody heard her. But someone did. A knock sounded on her door, and Kyla gingerly wrapped a towel around her before answering. When she did, she was greeted by a mean looking young adult. “Keep it down, will ya? I’ve heard you having sex all night,” he snapped. Okay, maybe not that young.

Kyla blushed. “Sir, I haven’t had sex.”

“Yes, you have,” he bickered. “All kids your age is having it. Almost as if it’s some kind of fashion style, or disease. It’s disgusting. Just try to keep the moaning and screaming down, alright?”

He grumpily slouched away to the apartment next door before Kyla could protest. She rolled her eyes, thinking over this and turned her shower water off. Definitely, no bath tomorrow for her.

Kyla tentatively changed into her school clothes, changing her idea perspective after every outfit. Finally, she decided with a cute peplum top and skinny jeans. Nothing special, not like she had much, anyway.

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