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Chap. 19

She woke up to bright lights, very bright lights. She groaned and sat up as things came into focus.

“Ugh,” She moaned. She turned to see Cornelius anxiously staring at her and sitting next to an angry Quenton.

“Hey, Kyla.”

 Kyla blinked and she felt the itchy hospital dress around her. Where was she? And why? Then all the memories came flooding back. Her cheek stung just thinking about it. She sat up, blinking more rapidly while waiting for the lights still and stop dancing across the room. When everything was in check she once again spotted Quenton and Cornelius seated in front of her, watching worriedly. Cornelius opened his mouth to say something, but Kyla eagerly cut him off.

¿Qué estoy haciendo aquí?” she asked Quenton, trying to ignore Cornelius with all her willpower. She then realized, after taking in Q's bemused expression and then noticed she spoke in Spanish instead of English. She translated blandly for him. "What am I doing here, Q?"

“I needed to take you to a doctor, and you know that Kyla.”

“I was going to go to a clinic eventually,” Kyla lied through her teeth, rubbing wide circles on her forehead with her thumb and index finger. The truth is, she had been avoiding this visit for a long long time. Maybe if she just ignored the fact she was pregnant, it would finally go away. Her plan, apparently, had failed.

“So, it’s true. You’re pregnant,” Cornelius muttered, but instead of an awe-filled voice, he sounded as if he already knew this. Huh. Weird.

Kyla jerked her head to him and anger coursed through her veins. “Shut the fuck up!”

Cornelius growled, but a blank expression soon overpowered his rage, which was rare to Kyla since nothing usually overpowered Cornelius's rage. “I’m so sorry for hitting you, Kyla_.” Quenton cut off his not so sorry sounding sentence. Was Cornelius one of those men who thought they were superior to women? Ugh, Kyla hated those guys, they were so sexist.

“Didn’t she tell you to shut up?” Quenton snarled, not caring it was his own kin he was dealing with. Cornelius glared at his brother before ducking his head too stare down at the ground.

“Look, you needed to go eventually and I say now is about the perfect time. After the douche hit you and you puked all over the ground, I suppose that’d be the perfect cover up reasoning if needed,” Quenton advised, smiling supportively at her.

Kyla smiled at him, thankful for her best friend, but her heart ached that she could talk to her mother about this.

“Did you tell him why?” she asked. She never wanted Cornelius to know, especially after he had called her a slut and hit her. Quenton shook his head.

“He probably thinks I’m some random side bitch now.”

Cornelius looked up angrily at the accusation. “I don’t think you’re a slut, Kyla. I’m sure it was an honest mistake.” He was sounding awfully sarcastic. Kyla did not want to talk to his ass ever again, forreal. He was being a real dick right now.

“A mistake, but not really honest,” Quenton said, looking up at Kyla with those eyes of understanding. She would get up to hug him but she was pretty positive she knew the extent of the cheap flimsy gown she was wearing because it was feeling pretty breezy already.

Cornelius gave Kyla and Quenton a quizzical look, but knew his place and didn’t question further.

A nurse with a bright smile and 6-inch red Prada’s glided into the room. She was African- American and one of the most beautiful women Kyla had ever seen. Maybe even over her mother. The woman’s lips were light pink, her hair was long and black, and she had smooth chocolate creamy skin. She smiled at Kyla and patted her limp hand.

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