Chap. 7

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Chap. 7

The next day Kyla woke up with a smile on her face. For some reason, she had woken up happy. Broken, but still happy. It was Sunday after all, which meant church. 

Which means D'ante', Kyla thought with a childish grin on her face.

D'ante', the preacher's son was by far the most handsome boy Kyla had ever met. He was charming, charismatic, sexy, and to top it off, he was a well - educated Christian man. Kyla couldn't lie and say she didn't have a crush on him. She had since she was 12 and he was 14. Kyla had a feeling D'ante' might've felt the same, but definitely not after he heard what had happened to her mother. Maria Santiago had never been fully welcome in their small church, but being children of God, it was all they could do but kick her out. Kyla's mother always claimed that they had a grudge for her, and they would never welcome her. Maybe it was because Maria got pregnant without a husband, or maybe it was because the man who had gotten Maria pregnant was none other than the Pastor's right hand man himself. Nobody ever forgave Maria or Charles for what they had done, but they did forgive their lovely daughter, Kyla herself. 

You might've thought since Kyla was the member of the church she would've known her father, but it was quite opposite, really. Charles had fled after he received the news that Maria was pregnant with his child. That's how the church folk knew that Charles was the father. It was a small world, and news like this was everything to them. Kyla would've been disgusted with the church, if it hadn't been for D'ante' Jennings, the pastor's boy. The pastor's handsome and charming boy. 

When Kyla finished showering and dressing she went downstairs to make cereal. It was then that she realized that she hadn't ran in days. That was terrible. It was the only way Kyla could maintain her weight, raped or not. Another pang of guiltiness hit her, she hadn't much been herself these past days. Or was it just her being melodramatic. Kyla shook her head and continued pouring the Crunchy' O's in the bowl. After she finished she munched quietly on the dry cereal before pouring her milk in there. 

Two hours later Kyla was walking into the church with her white heels, blue dress and wavy hair. D'ante' was the first to greet her. As usual.

"Hey, Ky!" he said strolling over with long proud strides to give her a hug. Kyla hoped the foundation over her eye was enough; it was now fully open, but still slightly swollen and purple.

He smelt of downy and aftershave. Kyla loved that smell.

"Hey, D! I missed you, so so so much," she said into his shoulder. 

He laughed a deep warm laugh. Kyla loved that laugh too.

"I missed you too," he said. "Now where have you been? Service hasn't been the same without you."

"Stop lying, I'm sure you managed."

D'ante' laughed again. Did he not know he was incredibly and stunningly beautiful when he did that? One dimple formed in his creamy chocolate left cheek and his incredibly but not too surreal white teeth shined. Perfect, or what?

"Birthday present time. I can't believe I missed calling you!" 

"No problemo."

"I got you, this." D'ante' bent on one knee and brought out a dark wooden small box.

Kyla didn't know if it was just her, but the room suddenly got really hot and it was all Kyla could manage to lift her finger. 

Before she could start planning the wedding D'ante' opened the box and held out a dark copper ring.

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