Chap. 9

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 Chap. 9

3 months later

Kyla sat at the table, her hunger increasing by the second.

“MAMI!” She called out.

“I’m coming, I’m coming. Lately you have a huge appetite. And… is your stomach getting soft? Kyla Santiago have you stopped running?!”

Kyla gulped and looked at her stomach. She was pretty sure she was pregnant. But by which rapist? She didn’t know. Her stomach hadn’t protruded yet (although her usually hard abs were now getting soft and mushy), but her appetitehad increased incredulously. She shook her head in reply to her mother.

“Well, what do you want this morning?”

Kyla could smell an assortment of foods in her mind, burgers, pickles, hot chips, peppermint ice cream – ugh, she hated peppermint ice cream but it sounded so good right now. One aroma, however, stood more prominent than the others. “Uh. Bacon,” Kyla decided.

Maria groaned but pulled out the endless raw bacon supply and put it on the grill.

“Shanksh, Ma,” She said in a little baby voice before she escaped the kitchen to go text Quenton. Quenton had been officially named as her best friend.

Kyla: Morning, Q.

Quenton: Morning, luh shawty ;)

Kyla: wow, no signature.

Quenton: Lhh (Laughin Hella Hard), stfu (Shut the f* up). Hey i was thinking we could hang @ the mall today.

Kyla: Idk, my mom is becoming suspicious of me.

Quenton: Just tell her! its 4 the best. She’s been in ure situation b4.

Kyla: But if I tell her now, she’ll be sad because she’d think I’ve been lying to her! -_-

Quenton: ….but you have ben lyin 2 her.

Kyla slapped her phone shut and stomped outside to sit on the porch. She ran to the old bush that her mother long since cared for and snuck the last package roll of weed from behind it. She dialed up a friend as she smoked on it.

“Yeah, hey Jerald. I need some more weed.”

“Hey,” Jerald replied.

There was a long pause. Kyla interrupted it after coughing up some of the smoke that had choked its way to her throat. “Well?”

“Kyla, I can’t keep sneaking it to you for free.”

“Then I’ll pay.”

“I won’t let you, if you come up and pay; the gang will do some bad things to you.”

“They didn’t last time,” Kyla pointed out meekly, bringing the lovely roll back to her lips.

“They were pretty high last time,” Jerald retorted.

“Well, Jerald then you pay for the weed and bring it to me and I’ll pay for it. “

“Kyla, you’re getting too deep into this. You’re addicted now.”

“You think I fucking know that!” Kyla screamed into the phone. She didn’t know if hormones were making her angry or the blunt, but she normally wasn’t this aggressive.

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