Epilogue ~ <3

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Chap. 22 (Epilogue)

5 years later

November - 2017

Kyla sighed as her son Miguel danced around her kitchen floor, laughing in the process. His twin brother, Julio giggled and joined. They landed at their mother’s feet. “We’re going to Grandma’s house!” Julio confirmed.

“Grandma, grandma, grandma’s house!” Miguel sang in a little jig.

Kyla smiled and picked up her car keys. “Honey, we’re leaving to go to my mother’s now!”

“Okay, wait,” Her husband called from upstairs.

Kyla escorted their children to her BMW and waited patiently for her husband. D’ante' soon came out – a smile painted on his face.

“I just got a call from my boss. He says I’m promoted!” D’ante' announced.

Kyla gasped. “That's great, D’ante'!”

“The hours are a little longer, but I still have time to spend time with my boys and my wifey.” D’ante' winked and Kyla giggled. Kyla gave him a long kiss and the twins gagged in the background. D’ante' opened the car door for Kyla – as he did every time. Miguel and Julio bounded into the car, giggling and poking each other as if there were no tomorrow.

“Be quiet, my m'ijos.”

“But, Mami!” Julio argued. “Miguel farted!”

Miguel erupted into a laughing fit and Kyla shushed him from the passenger’s seat. “Miguel!” Kyla scolded, but couldn’t suppress the smile forming on her lips.

D’ante' laughed his still deep beautiful laugh and smiled at his son. “Now I have to open the windows.”

Miguel stuck his tongue out at his parents and Kyla tickled him as D’ante' started the engine. “Buckle up, chicos.”

Julio buckled up and snorted as Miguel struggled with his seatbelt. Kyla stared into the depths of Miguel’s hazel eyes as the little boy struggled. He was Ramon’s son, Kyla could feel it. How his smile was always sincere, and when he cracked a joke it was always funny. Julio’s expression softened and he muttered something incoherently in Spanish then helped buckle his younger brother’s seatbelt. Julio was older by 1 minute, and he liked to boast about it to his brother all of the time, but deep down, Kyla knew he’d do anything for his hermano. That’s why she taught them Spanish, so when in trouble they could most likely communicate without anybody else understanding.

Julio was definitely Anferni’s son, on the other hand. Kyla could tell by the way he swaggered, the way he was already interested in other little girls. Kyla had done a lot research (she talked to a doctor about it and everything) and had learned it was very possible you could have twins from two different fathers. All it took was some slut, or two douches to rape the girl.

When they pulled into her mother’s familiar neighborhood Kyla knocked, she saw a familiar blue mustang outside and smiled. Her dad was home.

“Maria, I swear. I didn’t do nothing!” Kyla’s father’s familiar voice called out bemusedly.

Kyla could hear her mother’s voice yell out something about ‘burning cake’ and ‘he knew their daughter was coming’. She opened the door and Julio and Miguel bounded onto her legs. Maria laughed and held tightly to her grandsons. “Miguel! Julio! How are my favorite little nietos doing?”

D’ante' stepped forward and placed a kiss on his mother-in-law’s cheek. “Hello, Ma.”

“D’ante'! Hey, D’ante' come see D’ante'!” Maria shouted. Kyla rolled her eyes and Maria’s eyes twinkled.

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