Chap. 14

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 Chap. 14

“You want me to drop you off at Joe’s?” Quenton asked. Kyla nodded, she didn’t want to waste all her money on a cab when she needed to drop by the grocery store soon, and needed to trick up her place with new posters. Plus, her new job started in only two weeks, so she really needed to savor the money she had then. Quenton was in the driver’s seat, Shantez and Stephon were in the passengers and Kyla was wedged in the middle in the backseat between Alexander and Cornelius. Both of them looked pretty comfortable. Kyla - not so much.

By the time they pulled up to her place, Kyla was in a analytical situation.“Okay, do you have everything?”

Kyla nodded, dreading that she’d have to scoot over Cornelius to get to the door. Wait, which door was it that didn’t work again?

“Want me to walk you in or something?” Quenton asked probably wondering why she was still sitting there.

Kyla snapped out of her trance and shook her head scooting as fast as she could over Cornelius. But right when her ass made contact with Cornelius’s lap he held her there for a second and then let her go. It was so fast that Kyla wasn’t sure it even happened, much less that someone else had noticed. She slid out of the door easily then walked to the door, waving back at Quenton and a smirking Cornelius. He licked his lips. A sign Kyla had only encountered too many times. She wanted to flip him off right then and there but decided it would ruin her manners and walked into Joe’s.

“Hey, sunshine,” Lorenzo said. “You ran out so fast when you left. What’s the chiz?”

Kyla smiled. “Just a – family matter.”

And it was true; Kyla could probably count Quenton as family. Except some of the boys who wouldn’t stop drooling at her ass. Or staring at her boobs instead of her face. That got to Kyla the most.

“Oh, hope it ended well,” Lorenzo sent Kyla a sympathetic smile then went back to his files.

Kyla jogged up the flights of stairs and jiggled her key in her lock. After her door opened she went and plopped down on her bed, wishing the day would hurry and end. Exhaustion suddenly washed over her, and so did the other billion things she needed to do. Research, bathe, wash her face, brush teeth, and on and on. Kyla really just wanted to brush her teeth and go to sleep but instead she ran a hot bath and slid inside, washing up. When she was finished, the water was still hot. She rested her head on the porcelain-tiled wall. She instantly felt the wooziness pulling on her eyelids like a zillion pounds and she let it.

~~~Thinking Outside of the Box~~~

It had been at least a good half hour that Kyla had been asleep when someone knocked briefly on her door. She lazily yawned then got out and stretched a green towel around her body, hoping it would stay on as she took off her showering cap.

“Who is it?” she yelled, trying to look through the peephole.

“Cornelius,” he said, voice deep and all.

Kyla was suddenly very awake. She wanted to run and throw on an outfit really fast, but really, it would be a waste of time. She sighed, made sure the knot on her towel was secure and then unlocked the door.

Cornelius didn’t take a second glance at Kyla’s ‘outfit choice’. He walked in and sat on the bed.

“Come on in,” Kyla muttered.

“Hey, this place really is whack.” Cornelius smiled.

“Told ya’,” Kyla said sitting down beside him, feeling comfortably uncomfortable. Why was he here?

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