Memories Can Be Wrong, Right?

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Dan’s POV

“What’s your favourite colour?”

We’ve been in the middle of our ‘getting to know each other’ game, in which I was the only one getting to know someone.

“Hm hard one. I’d say blue.”

I just stared at him as I whispered silently “What is mine?”

His smile faded away from his face as if he would have read my mind.

As if he knew I really want to know everything about myself.

As if he knew if bothers me more than I show it.

But his smile came back soon after.

“Black, obviously”, he said while sliding his eyes down on me.

He was right, I was wearing all black and also my closet was full of black clothes.

“That explains my black t-shirt collection”, I laughed and he laughed along.

It went silent again.

“Can I wear one of yours?”, I said too quiet for him to understand, facing the ground.

I don’t know why I wanted that, but it seemed right in this moment.

I thought he didn’t hear it, but suddenly he took off his shirt “This?”, he smiled.

I slightly blushed and he must have noticed.

How couldn’t he have?

I just nodded and stared at his bare body.

He was so beautiful.

Wait what am I even thinking?

I was taken back to reality when I heard Phil’s voice saying something like if I wanted it I should take it.

I took it and slightly blushed again.

I took off my own shirt and put his on.

It was a blue shirt with a yellow thing on it, which kind of looked like an animal, but wasn’t.

Also there was a guy with a blue jacket and a red cap.

I handed him my black shirt with a white circle on it.

“In case you want to wear it”, I laughed.

And then I remembered something.

These things on the shirt I got from Phil are from Pokémon. That’s Pikachu and Ash.

I felt nice for remember that.

Phil put on my black shirt and soon his bare skin was covered by a shirt again.

Phil’s shirt was so nice though.

It smelt so good and it was so comfy and he wore it so it is special anyway.

I didn’t want to admit it, but I think I had a crush on my best friend.

I wondered if I had this crush before that day.

I refused to name that day ever again.

Phil and I still sat there staring at each other with stupid smiles on our faces.

I moved closer to him because I felt safer around him, even though he always says I’m not.

I still don’t understand why he’d say something like that.

Phil still looked at me, now more worried than happy.

Am I the reason he feels uncomfortable now?

I moved back a bit and I saw light relief in his face.

I felt bad for making him feel uncomfortable so I stood up and tried to walk into my room.

Of course I failed and fell on the hard ground again.

Phil giggled and moved closer.

I could feel my breath tighten and my heart beating faster than usual.

There was no doubt anymore; I had a crush on my best friend.

“What was that supposed to be Daniel?”, he said and I can tell he tried to sound serious, while I still wondered who Daniel is.

Wait, is that me?

“Oh”, I said out loud.

Phil gave me an asking look.

“So who is that Daniel guy?”, I said, trying to sound sarcastic so he won’t notice.

“You, you idiot”, he laughed.

Thought so.

I laughed along.

Suddenly I stopped and turned to face him.

He looked at me, I can’t tell what the expression on his face meant.

I just hoped he felt that too.

So I took all my courage and moved closer to him.

He didn’t seem so uncomfortable anymore.

Our faces have been inches away when he suddenly closed the gap between them.

Now I knew he felt that, too.

The kiss wasn’t heated or anything, just a sweet kiss, but I enjoyed it.

Soon after something unbelievable came to my mind, and I wished it wouldn’t be as true as the other things.

I pulled away.

“You were the reason I wanted to die, right?” 

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