Don't Leave Me

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Phil’s POV

I was shocked.

I couldn’t tell him.

Maybe I should have just told him the truth, but I just couldn’t.

Was that selfish?

Probably was.

I really didn’t care.

I didn’t want him to hate me, not after what just happened.

“No”, I said quietly.

I felt guilty. Really, really guilty.

“Then what was it?”, he questioned.

I didn’t have any idea what to reply to that, so I just stood up and said “I’m sorry” and with that, I left. I went into my room and closed the door.

Some tears rolled down my face.

Why am I so stupid? Why did I lie to him? I’m such an idiot.

I knew Dan was still sitting on the floor and he probably couldn’t move, but I didn’t want to face him right now, which made me even more selfish and also coward.

I arrived in my room and my mind was exploding with thoughts.

How much does he know? What if he hates me even more now than he would have when I’d have told him the truth? What is he doing right now? What am I even doing right now? Why is everything so complicated? Why did it has to happen now? It was just perfect. Why did I have to ruin it? It was completely my fault.

I didn’t know when it happened, but tears streamed down my face.

Uncontrollably tears were running down my face now.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 minutes passed.

I took all my courage and went back to the living room, where Dan was still laying on the floor.

It looked like he had fallen asleep.

But as I moved closer I noticed he wasn’t sleeping, he was crying.

Why is he crying? Was it my fault? Dan shouldn’t be crying. It is all my fault.

“Dan?”, I asked quietly.

He moved his head so he was facing me.

I saw his bloodshot eyes and felt bad again.

I sat down beside him.

“I’m sorry Dan”, I said.

“No, I’m sorry”, he managed to say between sniffs.

“I shouldn’t have asked you. It was so stupid. Of course you wouldn’t do anything to me. I’m sorry Phil, please don’t leave me, I’m so stupid.”

I tried to help him sit up and put my arm around him.

“Dan look, I would never ever leave you, okay?”

He cuddled into my chest.

“Promise?”, he asked.

“As long as you promise the same”, I said worrying.

He nodded.

 “I promise.”

I took a deep breath.

“Your memory wasn’t wrong.”


A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in ages and ugh it's so short, but I updated at least, right? I promise new chapters coming soon, hope you're enjoying guys.

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