chapter 4😭

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You saw Chris and the girl that Alex was making out in school and they were making out you felt tears in you eyes
N:Chris I can't believe you do this to me I trusted you
Ch:I'm sorry but Alex is right you a bitch and a hoe
N:of course it has to be Alex I HATE HIM
Ch:can you fucken leave my house now
N:I hate my life
Ch:yeah yeah whatever go kill your slef
N:fine that's exactly what I am gonna do
You left and went to the tree house you and Alex would always hang out you guys had your own stuff there you pulled out a box and took a blade and then ran to the bridge close to you house and started to cut and cut untill you blacked out
*Gala Alex mom point view*
Im starting to worry about Nicole and idk where she is she doesn't answer my text let me see her location OMG shes at the bridge I'm gonna go right now went I got there I saw her there in the floor with a blade and her wrist cut open I picked her up and took her to the hospital and they took her to the emergency room later they said that they put her in the same room Alex was so I went in and saw here there a tear fell from my eye and I saw Alex woke up *end*
A:mama what happen
G: you were punched by Nicole and then she cut her wrist open
G:sorry your butt
Then you woke up
G:Nicole nicole are you ok
N:ye-e-es I'm ok
G:why did you do this
Once you herd this you started to breath super fast
N:cause *breathing hard and tears* I wanna kill my self I wanna die leave me Alone I hate my slef
G:calm down DOCTOR
doc:what wrong
G:Nicole is breathing hard
Doc:ok mam go outside
She left
Doc:Nicole everything thing is gonna be ok
N:no i wanna die
The doctor gave you a shot witch made you go to sleep
Alex just started to tear up then he wiped his tears off
Doc:Alex your ready to go just sigh here
Then Alex left home
You woke up
Doc:you feel better
Doc:you want to leave today or tomorrow
N:is it fine today
Doc:sure just sigh here
You then left home and saw gala and Alex
N: what are you doing here

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