chapter 10😦

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You saw Alex outside your door
A:Dam Mami
You got on top of him and got your blade out by his neck
N:look I know what you and Carlos are doing you better not tell Carlos that I know or I will put the blade much more deeper
A:ok I won't
You got off of him and got your keys
A:uhhh can you drive me I don't wanna go in the bus
N: whatever get in the car
You guys left and when you got to school Zoe and dessir ran up to you
N:please don't do anything
Z:no we are here to say sorry
D:look Hailey was the one who told us to be mean to you since she and Alex started dating she changed but she told us that she wanted to be friends with you but she couldn't cause of Alex and me and Zoe saw how hurt you were so we left her
Z:we are so sorry
N:it's ok I forgive you
D:can we be friends
N:yeah sure
You guys went to first period when you were about to go to second but Carlos came and pined you to the wall
C:hey bbg wanna hang after school
N:no now leave me alone
C: come on
N:fine whatever
You then got stopped by Alex and his group and started to punch you Carlos was just starting you got up and left you couldn't cry anymore you didn't feel hurt
Lunch time
You sat at a table with Zoe and Des
Z:so has Alex and his group been doing some thing
N:well I got tea
You told them about the bet Alex and Carlos had made
D:girl don't let them hurt you
N:well Carlos wants to hang let him fall in love and then I will hurt him
End of the day you went home and changed into ↑↑↑↑
And then you heard a knock but since Alex was in the living room he opened the door and you wanted to see who it was and it's was you bsf desteny you ran down the stairs before Alex could hug her and you huged her you guys ended up falling on the ground and you were so happy you guys got up
Alex pov
When I saw that Nicole hugged her she looked happy I haven't seen her this happy since last year I love Nicole but I will have to hurt her
End pov
Then Alex huged dess
N:how did you come here
D:well first let me come in
You guys went in the living room and sat down
D:well my mom said we were moving here again so she let me come first while she looked for a house for us so would it be a problem if I stay
N:no you can stay in my room
D:can I settle in
N:sure I will go with you
You guys went to your room dess showered and and changed and you guys are sharing a bed you guys watched Netflix and then you remembered that you and Carlos we're gonna hang you went downstairs and saw Carlos
C: come one you said we can hang today
N:uhh fine whatever let me go put shoes on
You went and put some black and white convers and then you and Carlos left
In the car
C:where do you wanna go
N:mabye we can go get slushes and chips and mabye go to the park
C: good idea
You guys went to buy the snacks and went to the park
C;so umm can this be a date
N:sure.why not
You guys talked then Carlos started to lean in and you guys kissed then stop
C:I'm sorry
N:it's ok I liked it
C:me to
Carlos pov
I think I'm falling for her but I wanna win the bet
End pov
N: it's getting late we should go home
You went home and saw Alex
A:so how was the "date"
N:why do you care
A:I just wanna know btw dess fell asleep
N:ok you went upstairs to your room she took the whole bed so you got pillows and blankets from you closet and went to the living room
N:I'm gonna sleep here since dess took the whole bed
A:I'm gonn-
He got a text
Alex pov
I was about to go to my room when I got a new text from a random number it was a video of Haily and Brandon fucking I started to tear up
End pov

You saw Alex starting to cry you dropped your pillows and blankets and went up to him
N:hey hey you ok
You lift up his head he had tears in his eyes
N:what happen
A: Hailey cheated on my with Brandon
*Crys more*
N:look Its ok
You hug him he hugs back
N:come on go get some rest
You both went in his s room and he hugged you
A:thank you
N:yeah it's ok go to sleep
A:can you stay with me please
You lay down do did Alex
Alex layed his head on your stomach and you played with his hair and end up asleep
Btw Alex mom knows about dess she is ok with it and you guys aren't going to school the whole week cause of dess

So what you think ?

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