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Nicole pov
We got there and I started to get nervous what if they don't let me in or they call the cops
D:hey is gonna be ok just go give the security guard your I'd when he gives it back just go in ok
N:ok fine
S:you got this
J:ok let's go

We got out of the car and walked in the line it wasn't long but there was kinda aor of people
Sam went first the Jabez then it was my turn
S:I need an id
I gave it to him
S: mhm
He looked at me then the Id
After that he was gonna say something but behind him there was a fight and the man gave me my id back fast
S: you can go in !!

And he ran to go separate them I just when in I saw Sam run
N:did you not do in the line
S:no I just ran in
She said laughing
When got there and saw devyn and Jabez dancing on each other I turned and Sam was gone well I'm alone
I went to the bar
M:what would you like
N:umm blackberry win pls
M:right up
I sat down when a boy came up to me
??:what's up Mami
N: nothing much
??:how about we go to the bathroom
N:no leave me alone
??: come on I know you want
He grabbed my wait
N:stop let me go
??:no your coming with me
N:I said stop
?:hey she said stop
??:and who are you
?:umm I'm her boyfriend
??:ok fine just the once
He then left
N:thank you
?:no problem I'm Alejandro and you
N:I'm nicole nice to meet you
Al:like your name can I invite you to a drink
N:well I ordered on but I never got it and the man just left and now it's a girl now so i guess so
Al:ok hey can I get a beer and
N:white wine
G: coming right up
Al:ouu Fancy
Al:so you have a boyfriend
N:well my bsf and I dated but we broke up casue he said that he couldn't do long distance relationship
Al:your not from here
N:I'm from navada and you
Al:new jersey
Al: what's you bsf name
N:umm Alex or blesiv
Al: ahh da boy
Al:me and him are friends
N:wow he said lots of friends I guess
Al:I know
G:here is your drink
Al:ight trying to chug that
N:it's pretty big not gonna lie
Al:that what she said
We both laugh
N:ok fine I will

Just to clear something up the cup with win had alcohol I mean I lot and I was gonna drink a little because the cup was big but I don't Even care anymore
N:fine count
Al:ok 3...2....1..
I started chuging
Al:chug chug chug chug
I drank it all
N:uhh and you do it
He did it let me tell you he's fine as fuck his dimples ahh cute I can't do that to
N:you did it
Al:I know
N:I want more
I ordered more and dranked it
I was kinda drunk but knew what was happening around me
N:hey wanna go and dance
Al: ight
We started dancing around each other Mexican music came up and he grabbed my waist and started dancing
A little later we took a break and I dranked one more cup but Alex ft me I was scared I did it anyway
A:Nicole where are you
N:hI aLeX
A:Nicole I told you not to go the club you not even 18
Alejandro then got me casue I was about to fall and grabbed
My phone
A:hey who are you
Al:ayy Alex
A:hey bro why are you with her
Al:we found each other at the club don't worry I'm gonna take her home
A: alright that's man keep her safe bye
I then blacked out
End pov
Alejandro pov
I picked her up and took her to my car and she was asleep she was beautiful and perfect I don't know where she lives so I will take her to my apartment I hope the boys don't mind we got to my apartment and I took her to my room I took her shoes off and put the blanket over her I fell asleep right next to her
End pov

Nicole pov
I woke up with a headache and right be side me was Alejandro what the hell what happened last night he then woke up
Al:good morning
N:umm hi what happen
He then told me
Al:and yea
N:im sorry
Al:no it's all good
N:do you know where my phone is
Al:yea here
He gave it to me
I checked it and I had 5 missed calls from Sam and 7 missed calls from devyn and 16 missed calls from Alex uhhhh
Alejandro then gave me pills
Al:he you wanna meet my friends
N:umm sure
Went down stairs
Al:this is kiri
N:hah you look like Olaf
K:stop playing
He said in a baby voice and his baby face was everything
Al:that alvero
Al:that mattia
M:what's up
N: wassgood
Al:o have to more rhashua and Robert but there out of the state
Al:you hungry I can cook some food
N:no I need to go home and shower and change and my roommates are worried
Al:why don't you call them over and tell them to bring you clothes I mean you can shower here
Alejandro came closer
I smiled
I laughed
N:you know I can't take it anymore come here

I went up to him and hugged him he was like 2 inches taller than me like wow he is short
He huged me back
Al:aww you guys look like twin
N:well I have to go call my friends
Al:yea go ahead
I went to Alejandro's room
And called Devyn
N:hi devyn
D:god where did you go!!
N:so I ment a friend last night and I ment his friends and I was to drunk you he brought me here and he told me to invite you and sam over for-
Al:a sleepover if that ok
N:yea that
D:umm can I bring Jabez
N:can you also bring me clothes plssss
D:fine I will
N:bye ily
D:ily to
We hung up
Al: alright
N:hold up I have to call
FaceTiming Alex ...
N:umm hello..wait.. Alex.. no your can't be doing this to me no
I started crying
Tear fell from my eyes
Hah sorry then ending remember to vote for more chapters and comment ideas thank you for your time and sorry for any mistakes ❌

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