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Nicole pov
I woke up to check the time it was 12:36 I over slept I wasn't feeling my self today
So it's Thursday Wich means tomorrow is Friday I went and took a shower and the changed into ^^^^and brushed out my hair I then got my phone and my laptop and went downstairs and saw devyn and Sam
N:hey guys
S: some one overslept
S:so devyn how was you and Jabez yesterday
N:yes tell us
D:hah well we watch Netflix we ordered food and then we talked about things and the we fell asleep but that when we woke up and told him I had to go
N:aww you should of stayed
S:yea we would of brought you clothes
N:well I'm going to do school bye
I sat on the couch and opened up
My laptop I started doing school honestly I don't know but the time went by fast I still wasn't done I mean it's already 3:46
Alex then FaceTime me
A:what are you doing
N: school but I have been stuck on the same thing I can't figure it out
A:let me see
Alex saw
A: i can help you so you...
Alex helped and I actually understood so after we talked and then had to go cause I had to eat
N:Sam devyn!!!!
N:umm I'm hugry are you guys hungry
D:i am
S: yes
D:we should go to burger king
S:I'm down
I got my keys and we all got in the car
When we got there we ordered and then sat down
S:so Nicole how is you and Alex
D:yea we haven't herd anything
N:we are good devyn was there when the girl name Priscilla said that she was sorry and stuff
S:ouuu ok but at least she said she was sorry
N:yes but it's sound as weird I don't know what's going on
S:well just let it be tomorrow is club night and you need to relax
N:ok I'ma go get the food
I got the food and sat down
We ate and talked about plans and stuff
N:guys I need shoes for my dress
S:you don't wear heals
N:umm no
D:I don't
S: something is wrong with yall
N:I never got to wear heals and I was never interested in them
D:ok what shoes are you getting
N:umm I was thinking slip on vans
S:well we are going to the mall early in the morning and cause are gonna clean the house before we go to the club
D:ok let's go home
We went back home and went to my room and changed into spandex and one of Alex hoodies which it was an orange one
And went downstairs
N:girl do you guys want to play truth or Dare
S: I'm down
D:I go first
D:Sam Truth or dare
S:uhh dare
D:I dare you call one of your ex's and tell them you miss them
S:no fine
S:k I got the contact
D:come on
Sam clicked in it and it started to ring
S:hey,.... It's Sam..,.... umm I just wanna say I miss you
??:I'm sorry..but.. ummm....
S:in just kidding it was a dare
??:omg I thought for a second I didn't know what to do
S: hah in sorry but I have to go bye
D:haha ok umm Nicole Truth or Dare
N:umm dare
D:ok I dare to tell Alex you are dating someone
N:uhh he- umm ok
I called Alex
N:umm hey
A: what's wrong
N:I need to tell you something
A:ok what is it
N:I'm dating someone
A:wtf! Who
A:tell who the fuck is it !!
A:you fucken promised me that you will never leave me
There it goes he was talking like he about to cry
N:Alex wa-
A:,no leave me al-
N:Alex it's a joke!!
A:wait are you serious
N:yes Alex devyn dared me to
A:think God
N:I'm sorry I could here how hurt you were
A: because I love you
N:I love you too but I have to go
A:ok call me before you go to sleep
N:ok bye
S:haha ok devyn truth or dare
D:umm truth
N:she going easy
S:ok is it true that you like Jabez
D:haha yes
She said blushing
N:I knew it!!!!!
S:ahah me too!!
D:ok stop
S:ok ok Nicole Truth or Dare
N:you know I'ma go with dare again
D:ouu she bold
S:I know right
N:hah ok go on
S:,I dare you to call Agustin and tell him you pregnant
D:good one Sam
N: alright bet
I called Agustin
I was acting like I was cry
N:*cries* i-i n-need t-to tell you s-somthing
AG:what's wrong tell me
N:i-im f-fucken pregnant!!!
AG:wtf ! Your dumb look it's ok I'm gonna get a flight to LA for tomorrow
A:your what!!!
N:*cries* no y-you w-were not suppose to hear that
A:I'm done !!!
AG:dude chill
N:,ITS A JOKE!!! Hahaha
N:Sam dared me to
Cleaned my tears away
A:bro your good at acting
N:haha I will talk you guys later
AG: alright bye
A:ok bye
D:that shit was
N:ok Sam Truth or Dare
N:,is it truth that you have a crush on some one
S:ummm yes!
D: omg!!
S:haha I'm not ready to say
N:take your time
D:fo sure
N:ok devyn truth or dare
D: dare
N:I dare you to call Jabez and tell him if he wants to go to the club tomorrow
S:good one
D:fine just for y'all
Devyn called Jabez
D:hey can I ask you something
D:you busy tomorrow
J:umm no
D:do you and my girls wanna go to the club tomorrow night
J:sure but can I invite my guys
J:ok bye
N:see it wasn't that hard
S:yes it wasn't
D:haha we should go to bed we have a big day tomorrow
S:yes goodnight
N: good night
D: good night
I went to my room and changed into Alex hoodie and his sweats
And ft Alex
A:I see you are wearing my clothes
N: yess indeed
A:hah your so cute
N:no I'm not
A:yess you are period
N: hahaha ok but you are fine asf and everyone is gonna want you and I'm ugly
A:no I only want you ok I love you
N:love you too
Me and Alex talked for like 30 minutes but now it was 10:00
Then I FaceTimed
Agustin 🖖🏼🖤
AG:what's up foo
N:haha again everytime
AG:you will have to get use to it mamas
N:hahah I see you
AG:well what can I say I get all the ladies
N:oop who said that
AG:your mean
N:ok so I really like wanna talk to you like deep shit or like your those gang bitches that can't
AG:no I'm here if you wanna talk I'm home and I have nothing better to do
N:ok so I recently started to think about shit and I realized that my life is fucked up
Ag:no why do you say that
N: because when I was little I remember my mom and dad fighting an-
AG:take your time
At that point I had tears coming down my eyes
N:and my dad would say that he never wanted me and after that he hit me and left me even thought before he told me that he loved me and that he will do everything he can to keep me said years later he died in a car crash and Alex was the only one there
AG:it's ok don't worry
N:that not all after that my mom took care ok me and alex is mom would also to she was like another mother to me
And then when I was in high school
Starting senior year Alex had this thing where he bullied me and I got hurt so much that I had to move in with Alex because my mom went to work but then I got a call and it was mom and she told me that she was moving to Canada I told her that she was never here for me and that I hated her and then hung up a few days later I got another call and it was my mom at least I thought and I answered and they told me... mom was dead

Tears were running down my face
And Agustin was looking down and looked like he wanted to cry I took a deep breath

N:after that... I wanted to end my life I had no friends no family everyone betrayed me so what I did... Was... That... I got my blade...
More tears came down

N:and stabed the side of my stomach 3 times after that I woke up at the hospital and I couldn't move or talk Alex would come in and brush my hair give me food sing to me talk to me and he said he was sorry after I was in the hospital I went home and nothing changed Alex was a jerk and tried to make it up a few months pasted and we made up

AG:i-i u-understand
N:what do you mean
Ag: both of my parents were killed I was there we were coming out of dinner at the time we wanted to have a family dinner we went walking and when we were coming out 2 guys with masks on came and shoot my parents in the head and I started crying they didn't care they left and I was there with my little sister a woman called the cops and everything happen quick me and my sister were sent to my Aunt's house and she didn't like me but she loved my sister and she never cared what I did or where I was all she wanted to know was if I was ok and when I got to my new school every one thought I was a freak

I saw him with tears on his face
N:it will be ok I'm here for you
AG:you know I never knew a person like you a caring and kind person people that would come to my life would just want sex or to talk shit I have homies but talking about deep shit was for pussys I just want you to know that whatever happens I'm here for you and that I love you I never say this but I do I appreciate you

N: I love you to you might seem rough but your soft on the inside and I like that about you
N:i like when you smile makes my heart melt
AG: one thing that I like about you is your personality and your smile those dimples everytime I see them make my day
N: thanks
AG:but you can be mean sometimes
N:haha no I'm not *baby voice*
AG:ahh I got you to smile
Me and Agustin talked for about an hour it was already 11:00
And I told him I had to go
N:by "B"
AG:bye mamas
Then he hunged up and I fell asleep
~The next morning~
Hi guys long chapter I know sorry for any mistakes don't forget to vote for more chapters and also comment ideas

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