The Worst of the Worst?! Riki Nendo

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A/N: So I've had this in my draft for a little while. I was going to try and save it for another time, but I don't have anything else even close to done to like update this week. I've been pretty busy taking care of all my college stuff so I haven't had much time to write. Plus my first classes start this Wednesday so it'll be even longer before I can get things under control and finally get into the swing of things. Writing for my fanfics are going to become scarce, and I hate it. I know I don't have a consistent schedule as it is and this is just proving that fact :( THings are definitely going to become far more sporadic than they already are. Anyway, hope you like this chapter.


THE MORNING CEREMONY WAS JUST AS BORING as it usually is. Students lined up in their teal green uniforms listening to the principal go on and on about the school year. Stuck in the middle of the group was Akari, who would not like to be there at all. Then again she doesn't like to be anywhere the involves large crowds or people in general. Overall, she likes to be alone.

The one person who was suffering the most through this Kusuo, of course. Being telepathic and all can be such a hassle, especially with having a radius of two hundred meters. Having the thoughts of everyone in the building was such a pain. Though he just had to suffer through the ceremony and not draw attention to himself. After all, he learned to not use his powers in public in order to keep himself hidden.

Though there was one person who he could not get a read on, like at all. "Guess who?" A pair of large, meaty hands wrapped around his eyes, to Kusuo's dismay. With no choice but to interact with the oaf and turned to face him. His self-proclaimed buddy smiled at him stupidly, "How's it going, pal? Gal pal?"

The tall, intimidating figure of Nendo Riki loomed over the shorter pink-haired teen. Not to be mean or anything, but Nendo is definitely not the most... appealing person to look at. I mean, the combination of a butt chin, a scar over one of his eyes, and an overall mean-looking appearance, Nendo isn't the most handsome guy around. That's putting it nicely. It didn't help that he was also a complete moron which meant his thoughts were unreadable for Kusuo.

Akari leaned over from her spot next to Kusuo to look up at the delinquent looking boy, "hi, Nendo." Most people tend not to notice her because she's so quiet. Thanks to her god-given powers, she could easily become invisible in plain sight. Though for some odd reason, Nendo could easily pick her out of a crowd, so long as she's not in her shadowy form. Unlike Kusuo and basically everyone else, she wasn't as bothered by the big guy. He may be an idiot, but he could be endearing. Overbearing, but endearing. Deep down, Akari knew that he had good intentions with the things that he did. If he wasn't so much of an idiot then it would be more obvious.

You would think that she wouldn't like someone being able to see her even when she likes to stay hidden right in front of people. Though it's nice to have someone who wouldn't ignore you or at least be able to see you at certain times. As much as she likes to be left alone, being ignored all the time isn't usually fun. Sure she's shy, but she likes to at least be noticed once in a while. Kusuo had done that for her for such a long time, and it was nice to have another person to do that.

Suddenly, a green-haired student fell down to the ground. Apparently, he fainted due to the long ceremony. Though, if you asked Akari, it didn't really seem like it. She could understand the teens want to pretend to get sick, then he'd get to leave the ceremony early. Though she seemed to be one of the only ones to figure that out. As students started to worry about the broccoli-headed boy's sudden fall, Nendo screamed. Even if he had a good heart, the gigantic oaf certainly was going about the wrong way of showing it. He was hitting the poor teen in the face to try and wake him up. Akari grimaced. Nendo was also trying to "resuscitate" him with mouth-to-mouth. No one should suffer such an experience, she thought.

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