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My throat was dry and my vision was blurry as Izuku carried me outside. We met up with Todoroki and Kai. Kai was passed out in Todoroki's arms. Izuku places me down onto the grass and moves strands of hair out of my face.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" He lightly slaps my cheek. My eyes open and close slowly, "Katsuki...where is he?"

"Izuku and Todoroki look at each other with sad expressions.

"He's still in the building." Izuku mumbles. Dried tears cover his cheeks. My eyes widen and I quickly sit up, "We have to get him!" I start to run back towards the building.

"Wait (Y/N)!" Izuku and Todoroki call from behind. Just before I could reach the door a giant explosion happens, causing me to fly back. I land on the ground harshly and look up at the now destroyed building.

My mouth hangs open as I stare at the rubble. I was too afraid to check if Katsuki was still there or not.

It felt like everything was spinning. I didn't even notice cops grabbing me before I could faint.

"Ma'am are you alright?!" One of the cops asks me, but his voice sounded like it was echoing inside my head. I continue to stare at the rubble as the cop picks me up and rushes me over to the ambulance.


"Ow my head." I groan in pain as I clutch my head. I slowly sit up and feel the soft mattress below me. My eyes trail across the hospital room that I was in.

"Good, you're awake." The doctor comes in with a clipboard. My mouth is slightly agape as I take in more of my surroundings.

"You passed out on the way here. Luckily you only have scratches and bruises, nothing serious." The doctor smiles at me. I look down at my bruised hands, not knowing how to respond.

"I'll bring in your friends." The doctor walks out. The door opens again revealing my classmates, Mr. Aizawa, and All Might. Even Maya was there.

"I'm so glad that you're okay!" Ochaco runs up to me and hugs me tightly. Mr. Aizawa pulls her back gently, "She's still recovering Uraraka."

"Sorry." She whispers with a tint of red on her face.

"Your dad was on a business trip when this all happened. He won't be back until next week." All Might breaks the silence. I nod, understanding. My dad is currently back in America at the moment. I'll have to call him later.

"And the villains were killed in the explosion." Mr. Aizawa trails off.

"Where's Katsuki? And Kai?" I look up at them. Izuku steps forward and places his hand over mine, "Kai is fine. He's goijg to stay in the hospital so the doctors can treat his burns. As for Kacchan..." His face drops. My breath hitches, "What?! What happened to him?!"

"He's in a coma."

My eyes widen and a loud gasp leaves my lips. I cover my mouth with my hand and cry silently, "No. This can't be happening."

Everyone remains quiet with pained expressions.

"Can I see him?" I look up with teary eyes.


I stand in front of the door to the room Katsuki's in. My hand shakes as it grips the door handle. I take a deep breath and slowly turn the knob. The room was dark, the only source of light coming through the window. Katsuki's parents have just left the room a little while ago, so it was just me.

My breath hitches as I spot Katsuki's sleeping figure on the bed. An oxygen mask covers half of his face. The monitor slowly beeping besides him. My lip trembles as I grab his cold hand. I kneel next to the bed and silently cry.

"I'm sorry. It should've been me." My voice shakes. Tears spilling onto Katsuki's hand.

Since I was too busy crying, I didn't notice the door opening. Izuku kneels down next to me with tears in his eyes.

"That idiot, doing whatever it takes to win." Sadness clouded his features. I wrap my arm around his shoulders  and hug him.

"He really is a hero ain't he?" He adds. I look up at Katsuki and smile sadly, "Yeah, he really is."

Izuku stands up, "I just hope he wakes up soon." He starts to head for the door. I turn my head around, "You're leaving?"

He softly smiles, "Yeah. My mom must be worried sick, so I'm gonna go home for a bit."

I nod, "I'll see you later then."

He smiles again and exits the room, leaving me alone again. I look at the clock besides me and saw that it was half past midnight. I stand up and look at Katsuki one last time before exiting the room.

Kai was apparently in the room across, so I decide to give him a visit. I knock on the door softly. After a few seconds a soft voice says to come in. I open the door and slowly step into the room. There was Kai, sitting up in bed watching tv. He had bandages all over himself. I mentally wince at the sight.

He realizes that it's me and he quickly looks away. I chuckle as he pulls the white covers up to his chin.

"Don't be afraid. I don't bite." I laugh softly. His eyes were filled with sadness and worry. I reach out to ruffle his hair, "If you think I'm mad at you, I'm not."

"But why aren't you? I'm a villain." He trails off with a shaky voice. I frown and continue to play with his hair, "You are not a villain. Those people forced you to do those things. In the end you're the one that saved us. If it weren't for your help, we would've all lost our quirks."

His eyes sparkle with tears as he processes what I just said.

"You're a hero." I smile showing my teeth. He silently cries. I gently wrap my arms around him as he cries. His tears wetting my shirt.

"I'm so sorry." He sobs. I rub his back soothingly, "Don't be."

He wipes away his tears and looks up at me with hope in his eyes, "Can we go home now?"


As much as I hate to say it...but this story is close to the end :( I have reached the climax of this book. I'm not sure how many chapters are left just yet.

Also once the book is done I will post a timeline (as the last chapter) which will show when everything took place starting from book 1.

Once the series ends, I'll be working on my other books which are also Bakugou x Readers, so feel free to check those out too!

Anyways see you in the next chapter!

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