Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"I think we need to tell her the story Samantha," Jacklynn said while stealing glancing towards me.

"Yes, I think you're right my dear, but first would you please fetch Dae some water. She looks dehydrated." Jacklynn nodded and went into the bathroom.

"Shouldn't I be in the infirmary Samantha?" I asked while pulling the blankets off of me. It was just too much extra heat. I sighed in relief as the cool air brushed against my pajama covered legs. "Could you also open a window Jacklynn?" I asked when I saw her come through the bathroom door. She nodded softly and went over to the window after setting down my cup.

I tried to lift it but I was just too much weak. It would have shattered if Samantha hadn't caught in the nick of time. Actually, she caught it perfectly and no water what-so-ever leaked out.

She guided the cup to my mouth and I drank greedily from it. I sighed with relief after I drained the cup of its content. The soft breeze caressed my face slightly cooling down my temperature some. "I don't believe this is any normal illness Dae. I'm going to tell you a story that you shouldn't have found out before initiation." With that she began the tale.

"Over a thousand years ago, there were four main kingdoms; Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. They all lived in peace for some time but jealousy started to arise. Water, Air, and Earth thought that the Fire kingdom had the better land. The Fire kingdom, on the other hand, didn't think anything of it. They honestly couldn't care less what type of land they had just as long as they had land for its people.

Water, Air, and Earth kingdoms' jealousy grew with its army as they conjoined forces to take out the most powerful threat to them; the Fire kingdom. People of the Fire kingdom were outraged. They thought that the other three kingdoms were their allies but they were deadly wrong. Water, Air, and Earth kingdom struck the Fire kingdom and injured its people severely. They massacred every single Fire kingdom citizen; even their children. They brutally killed anyone who could even light a simple flame on their finger tip. In the end, the Fire kingdom had put up a good fight but was defeated.

"Now-a-days, there are descendants of all the four nations, except for fire. But tensions have been rising between the three other elements and they are on the brink of war. It was prophesized a long time ago that a powerful bender who could bend not only fire but others too with time, shall be born and settle the feud once and for all. We've been waiting for that special person for decades but we couldn't find her. Our prophets have been getting more and more anxious as the decades came and gone. Recently, about fifteen years ago to be exact, our prophets have said that the savior was born.

"We had our best hunters look for her but no luck came out of it. The prophets could not see who she was just that she was born and she was, indeed, very powerful. Someone was cloaking the young one, and it was a powerful cloak but it seemed to be getting weaker every year. Till last year, where it was so weak one of our prophets saw the young bender. She said she was a beautiful young girl with soft brown eyes and hair, slender and short but still very powerful. We asked the prophet if she could see the young bender but she said she could not.

"That was till the 23rd of January when the girl turned fifteen. The cloak seemed to have risen from her and the prophets could see everything about her." Samantha stopped to let all that sink in but it already had. It sounded so familiar. I couldn't help but think of a bedtime story that my mother used to tell me.

"That was my fifteenth birthday," I said quietly. I remember that day; it was the worst of my life. A new guy had come to the foster home and that new guy just had to be Connor. He tried to kiss me within seconds of meeting me and I somehow managed to get him on the floor withering in pain within seconds. Everyone had stared at me in shock. They never looked at me the same.

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