chapter one

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"daniel, time to get up. breakfast is on the stove, and you have school today," i heard my mum speak through my bedroom door. 

"okay mum. i'll be down" i groaned from my bed. i sighed and opened my eyes, head still covered by my lilac sheets. slowly, i peeled myself out of bed. throwing the nearest shirt over my head, i made my way downstairs to the kitchen. 

my mum and dad were sat at the table eating some eggs and bacon. "where's adrian?" i asked as i made myself up a plate and sat in my usual spot. 

"he's picking up his girlfriend, liv, so he can take her to school. her usual ride is sick. they should be here in a few minutes for breakfast," my father replied. i nodded wanting to finish eating so i could get ready for my particularly important day. when i finished, i placed my plate in the sink and made my way upstairs.

"today is an important day, eden" i said, talking to my best friend since grade 5, as well as looking at myself in the mirror. "today is the day that i talk to phil lester." eden has been my best (and only real) friend for years. we know everything about each other, like how i know they're non-binary, and they know i'm gay. i honestly don't know what i'd do without them. 

last night i picked the perfect outfit for today. it's pink and feminine but not too over the top. (outfit above)  i really hope phil likes it. phil is not the most popular person in our school, but he definitely has more friends then me. our social gap hasn't stopped me liking him for 5 years so it can't matter that much anyway. to be honest i'm not really sure why i'm so attracted to him. sure i absolutely find him physically attractive, but that doesn't matter. the only thing that matters is your soulmate. i haven't found mine yet. my necklace, that i wear with pride, is still the only one i've seen like it and since my soulmate has the only other one, i just have to wait.

now it's senior year and i've spent enough of my time waiting around for phil to notice me, so i came up with a plan. well, eden and i came up with a plan. i'm gonna give him notes, like a secret admirer. all i can hope is that it doesn't scare him off. we'll just have to wait and see, i guess.

soon, i finished the call with eden and finished getting ready for school. eden always drives me because i'm more comfortable that way. even though i dress like i'd talk to any one and every one without a care in the world, it's not true. i actually get anxious and uncomfortable in most situations. eden texted me letting me know they were her, so i grabbed my things, said goodbye to my family and got in the car. "hey d.  you like amazing today," eden greeted as soon as i got in the car. "can you recap our game plan for today?"

"thanks e, and of course." i nodded as they began driving. "this friday starts pretty normal. we both go to 1st and 2nd period and then we have 3rd period together. after class we'll go to my locker and get the first note. by the time we make it to phil's locker, he should be gone because he always walks his friend, phoenix, to class first and then turns back to head to art. that's about when we should be in the hallway. from there we wait out 4th and 5th period until we all have lunch, and when phil goes back to his locker. once we're dismissed from class, you should meet me at the end of the hallway by phil's locker. we should make it there before him because we're closer to it," i paused, taking note that i said that without stopping once, "then we play it by ear. any questions?" 

eden shook their head no and we finished the drive to school in a comfortable silence.

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