chapter six

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when phil and i finally let go of each other, we decided to head back to lunch. i told phil that i was sitting with eden and didn't want her to know about this, so we came up with a plan. i was gonna fix my hair and rinse my face. phil wanted to sit with me, so we said that our story would be that i saw him in the hallway and we started talking, which will cover up for both his appearance and my being in the bathroom for an otherwise unnecessary amount of time.

i fixed myself up, and then phil and i walked to the cafeteria side by side, deciding what we will tell her what we talked about. phil had pizza for lunch, so that's what we decided on. as we approached the table i asked him what his favorite toppings are. "um, i guess pepperoni and chicken. i'm a meat pizza kind of guy."

i looked at him dumbfounded. "you're joking. pepperoni is terrible. like the worst meat you can put on a pizza."

then we stopped momentarily to sit down. i sat in my normal spot, and then kindly moved my book bag from the seat on my other side for phil to sit on. still not making eye contact with eden in order to avoid talking about the current situation for as long as possible.

phil went back to our pizza debate. "pepperoni is a good pizza topping. it's salty and good."

i shook my head. "absolutely not. pizza is already those things. you don't need to add to it, which is exactly why pineapple is the ultimate pizza topping. it's sweet to balance out the saltiness of the cheese and sauce," i argued, "and before you even begin to disagree with me, you should kno-"

a cough from beside me stopped me mid sentence. i sighed silently and turned my head to eden. "yes, eden? not to be rude, but i'm in the middle of a heated debate and i was hoping you could keep your questions till it ended."

eden blinked at me and sighed. "dan, i don't care about that right now. i'm not gonna ask how going to the bathroom made you gain a person, and took 15 minutes right now. i'm just reminding you that you need to eat because lunch is over in 10 and we both know how you are without lunch," they paused. "and actually, that was kind of rude," they frowned.

i frowned, "i'm sorry, e. i didn't mean to make you upset."

they hugged me. "d, i know that. i promise that it's fine."

i smiled at them. "and one more thing. do you think maybe we could be a trio instead of a duo?" i said glancing at phil on my other side.

eden paused. "i don't know. he's a pepperoni lover. i'm not sure if i can bare to have a pizza party with pepperoni on one of the pizzas," they laughed.

that comment reminded me. "phil," i began. "every saturday we meet up for a pizza sleepover. you can come tomorrow if you want. then you're really in it with us."

phil smiled gleefully at my invitation. "i'd love to."

from there we decided when and where we'd meet. then i got out a pen and had phil write his number on my arm because i didn't have any paper. i decided to be the person to make the group chat. and they decided it was my job to name us.

during the last few minutes of lunch, phil offered to take my tray up for me as he had to go get his own, and eden told me that they did in fact want to know what the hell happened outside of the cafeteria, so i told them that i'd tell them later.

now i had to look forward to a spiral of lies. here we go.

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