chapter nine

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phil and i finished the walk to my house in a comfortable silence.

when we arrived, it was about 4:30 in the afternoon. i walked up to the door, and let phil in. we took off our shoes and left them by the door.

"we'll go upstairs in a bit, so you can leave your stuff over there for now," i said to phil while pointing to my favorite chair. it's a cute blueish greenish chair i found while shopping once, and my mom bought it for me under the condition it stayed downstairs so other people could use it.

then he followed me to the kitchen, where i figured my mum would be making dinner. i made sure to show him where the bathroom was on the way as well.

"hey mum, i'm home. and phil's here too," i said when we walked in. my mum was putting something in the fridge.

"oh hello daniel," she said as i looked down blushing slightly. "oh, and you must be phil. i'm dan's mum. it's nice to meet you"

"it's nice to meet you too, ms. howell," Phil responded respectfully, "you've raised a really nice son."

i bushed a brighter shade of pink. does he really think that about me? "what's for dinner, mum?" i asked, hopping the pigment in my face would die down soon.

my mum responded, "well, i decided that since adrian and liv are spending the night, at her house, your father and i would go out. i trust you not to burn down the kitchen, so i made a big batch of pancake batter and colored it a bunch of different colors. you can make yourselves some pancake art."

i smiled. "that's great mum, thank you. phil and i are gonna head up to my room for a while now."

"alright. we're gonna head out soon, so if you need anything call. the batter is in the fridge ready. just remember to shake it before you use it." phil and i thanked my mum. "no problem boys," she replied. and then phil and i walked back out to the living room, grabbed out stuff and then made our way upstairs.

"this is it," i said after i opened my door, "not the most amazing, but it suits me i think." {pic above}. phil looked around. "oh and um, you can put your stuff by my closet for now. we'll figure out sleeping later on. for now, i'll let you look around. then i wanna talk," i continued while walking over to my bed.

i sat criss-crossed on my bed quietly watching phil look around. it seemed as though he liked it, but then again i hardly knew him. when he was done, i think he got the message, and came over and sat across from me. "it's very you in here," phil stated, "in the best way, of course."

i smiled and blushed slightly. "thank you. it took a while, but i'm slowly becoming happier with it," i replied softly. after a short pause, i initiated the conversation. i looked at phil. "so there's a boy, huh?"

he blushed a medium shade of pink, and was clearly caught off guard. "i- uh, i guess so.." he responded, trailing off as well as looking down.

i chuckled softly, "you wanted to be friends, right? so talk to me. i don't bite. i mean look around. and i'm wearing a pink converse crop top." tell me about him. it doesn't have to be a name, but if you do tell me, i can help you out if you want. tell you if i can sense a vibe from him, if i even know him. i mean i might not. and even then it's probably only an assumption."

"well um, i'll skip that offer but thanks. but i guess i'll tell you about him. i mean, i don't see why not."

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