chapter two

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eden and i got to school early, as usual, and walked to their locker. they put the things they didn't need inside, and then we made our way to mine. as i put my books away, i made a small spot for the special index cards and pens i bought for phil. then i looked at the note that i had written and rewritten for the last week.

"dear phil,

i've wanted to talk to you for a while, but haven't found the courage. i hope this is okay, and not creepy or anything. it's the best i could do.

your secret admirer"

i can't do this. "eden, i can't. this is dumb. he doesn't like me and he's not my soulmate," i sighed looking down.

eden grabbed my shoulders and tilted my head up, "look at me, howell. you don't know either of those things. phil may like or may not, and he doesn't show anyone his necklace. he's always wearing sweatshirts, covering it up. you need to do this, if not for you, for me. i hate seeing you so lonely." i nodded.

by this point, a few more students made their way into the building but as there was still a good 35 minutes until homeroom, the hallways were no where close to filled. i finished up in my locker and we made our way to homeroom.

"good morning, ms demry" i said as we walked in.

"oh, good morning, you two. we have about 20 minutes before anyone comes in, so go ahead and do whatever." she smiled at us.

we're always in here early unless we're running late. ms demry doesn't mind what we get up to, unless she needs to do something important. then she just asks us to mind our noise level.

i put eden and my's playlist on shuffle and hit play. strawberries and cigarettes came on. we both sang along softly and got on with whatever we felt like doing. eden was on their phone and i made my way to the mirror in the back closet that ms demry previously gave me permission to use, whenever i wanted and no one else was around. i fixed my hair and made sure my cat ears were centered before i made my way back to my desk and sat down.

i set my head in my hands and let my mind drift to phil. i'm so insecure and girly. he'd be disappointed if he found out who i was. and i don't even knows if he's into guys, or if he's found his soulmate. but what if he is my soulmate? how would i find out. he's really protective over his necklace. subconsciously, i placed one of my hands over my necklace. i really want him to be my soulmate.

once the first bell rang, i turned off my music, and eden went to their actual homeroom, saying goodbye to me and ms demry. then i sat quietly through roll-call and waited until the bell rang. from there, i had math. i'm not the greatest at it but i'm passing so it's not too bad. after that i have second period history. by then i started to get a little more anxious. by science i was really glad to have eden with me again. they helped me calm down when we were taking notes. at the end of class i was taking deep breaths and watching the clock, only blinking when i needed to. when it finally rung i grabbed eden's hand and pulled them with me.

when we got to my locker, i let go of their arm and said, "it's time."

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