chapter three

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i opened my locker, then changed out the books i didn't need anymore and zipped up my book-bag and put it on my back. after that i picked up the note and shut my locker. i turned to eden, "alright, let's go. we don't wanna be late."

we walked to phil's locker and looked around to make sure we were safe. there were a few people in the hall but they were focused on anything but us. i took the opportunity to place the note in one of the slots of the locker. "okay, done." i looked at the time on my phone and continued, "if we go now, we should be able to catch him in the hall."

"let's go then, daniel," eden replied, pulling me along. as we walked to the arts hallway, i realize that i hadn't planned what i'd say to phil if we did see him. 

"eden, eden, eden, what do i say to him? obviously i can't mention the note, but i haven't talked to phil before; i have no idea what to say and what if i slip?" i panicked to them. 

eden turned to look at me and her eyes widened slightly, "umm, well.. i think you'll have to figure that out.."

"slip on what?" i heard coming from my right. i jumped slightly, and turned my head towards the sound. of course. there he is, the man himself, phil lester.

"h-how much of that did you hear?" i asked slightly more worry in my voice then intended.

phil chuckled. "why? you two hiding something?" he paused when he saw me tense up. "no, i'm sorry. i didn't hear much. just my name and something about slipping." 

at that, i relaxed a bit. "okay, um alright." i shifted under his gaze as we made our way to art in an uncomfortable silence.

throughout art i kept looking over at phil. i think i caught him looking at me a couple times. why would he be looking at me? it's not like i was doing anything interesting. 

while eden and i began walking out of the room, someone called, "dan wait!" i looked at eden and stopped walking. phil walked over to us. "hey, what were you guys talking about? i was curious, y'know. you said my name after all."

i froze. what the hell do i say to that. i can't tell him the truth; i'd blow my cover. "um, funny thing actually, i can't remember." i turned to eden, "do you know?"

realization flashed through her eyes. "um no actually. must not have been important," she laughed awkwardly. 

phil nodded. "oh okay, see you around then," he replied, and walked out the door.

after a few moments of silence, eden spoke up, "well that could've been worse."

i looked at her plainly. "lets go. i don't wanna miss this." with that, we made our way to the hallway that phil's locker was in. once we made it, i pulled eden to the side to hopefully be hidden in plain sight, with a good view of phil's face. then he opened his locker, and picked up the note.

phil didn't give much of a reaction when he read it, and when he was done, he folded it up and put it in his pocket. at first, i thought he was gonna just gonna throw it away and i'd be stuck in a never-ending loop of 'should i do another?' but after he put way his books, he picked a pencil and a sticky note. he put the sticky on the bottom of his locker and wrote something on it. then he put the pencil back and picked the note back up. he shut his locker, put the sticky note on it, and promptly walked to lunch.

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