chapter ten

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i looked at phil expectantly.

"well um he- he's also a senior. i have a class with him, but we don't really talk. um i like his style. i don't really know what to say," he trailed, looking at me.

i smiled. "you're trying, that's a good start. is it okay if i ask you questions then?" phil nodded. "okay, do you think he's cute?"

phil blushed lightly, "i- i guess he's attractive?"

i looked phil in the eyes and frowned slightly. "phil, the 'i want to say yes and i want to go into detail, but i don't know' isn't going to work on me. i'm gay, remember? i've done that stage already. go ahead. i won't judge you."

phil nodded and took a deep breath, closing his eyes. "h-he's cute, definitely, but i really think attractive is the right word. i feel like there's a side he shows, and then there's another side that he keeps to himself. but i don't really know." he paused and took another deep breath. "he has really beautiful eyes, and his hair.. it looks so soft, so.. light, fluffy even. i can only imagine how soft his hands are too."

i smiled as phil smiled at the floor. this must really be the first time he's told anyone of this mystery boy. i mean i did the same time.

carefully, i moved closer to phil. "i think you have a crush on him," i whispered.

"i think i do too."

we sat there on my bed quietly for a moment. it was nice, to finally have someone to relate with like this. eventually though, i broke the silence. "not to ruin the moment, but are you hungry?"

phil nodded, "actually, yeah. i am."

"okay," i responded, "let's go check to make sure my parents left, because then we can party."

phil looked worried. "party?"

"a pancake party for two with my secret gay playlist that i only listen to when i'm home alone," i clarified.

phil chuckled, "ohh okay. i'm down."

phil and i walked downstairs, i didn't see my mom's jacket, but just to make sure, i looked outside. the car wasn't in the driveway as it had been when we arrived. then i did the final check. "mum? dad?" i yelled out. nothing, perfect. i turned to phil. "it's time to party," i beamed.

i ran back upstairs quickly to grab my laptop. then i ran back down before phil could even figure out whether to follow me or not, then i ran into the kitchen, calling behind me, "come on. i'm excited!" i heard phil laugh, and then he followed me into the kitchen.

i placed my laptop in the normal spot and turned it on. i logged in and turned on my playlist. i decided not to turn shuffle on because i figured that 'born this way' was a good starting song for today. then i got out the frying pans, and some cookie cutters and cooking spray. i had phil help me get the batters out of the fridge, and then we were ready.

phil and i made a lot of pancakes, most of them looked terrible, and some of them looked good. we both made pride flag pancakes, but we can't decide who's is better. we both know mine is better, but he won't admit it. anyway, we were making portraits of each other, and i accidentally made the nose white, so i took some of the white batter and wiped it on phil's nose. from that point on, we had more of a food fight than we made pancakes for dinner. it was fun though.

"i'm gonna have to go to sleep with wet hair now, thanks phil," i said in a fake whiny voice.

"hey, i do too, and you started it anyway."

"fair point."

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