chapter eleven

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after we ate our pancake creations, and cleaned up the kitchen, phil and i decided to keep the rest of the night more simple. we'd hang out maybe watch some movies, talk some more, play some video games. we just wanted to chill.

i decided to let phil shower first, because i wanted to write something to put in his locker monday. i wanted to do it sooner rather than later, so i figured now was a good time. after some erasing, i wrote something i was happy with.


i promise you, this isn't a joke. and yes, i got the note. i hope you're willing to give this a try. i guess you can call me.. dylan? yeah. dylan's good. i promise you though, my name isn't actually dylan. so if you go asking all the dylan's in our grade and get denied every time, don't come whining to me. ;)

-dylan <3"

i put the note in my desk drawer so it was out of site, and then i went on a hunt for the perfect pajamas to wear. i ended up deciding on a set of panda themed ones. {above}

then, after a few more minutes, i heard the shower turn off. i wasn't sure how long phil would be so i hopped on my bed and opened tumblr up on my phone. i looked at my feed for maybe a minute and a half before i heard the bathroom door open.

in a few moments, phil appeared at my bedroom door.

in the moment, i didn't realize it, but i'm pretty sure i stopped breathing when i laid eyes on him. phil was shirtless, with only a towel hanging around his hips. his hair was still dripping wet. then it really hit me. my crush is in my house, spending the night, and is now in a towel in front of me. holy hell, how did i get this lucky this fast?

when i realized i was starting to stare, i looked back down at my phone. phil coughed awkwardly, "i forgot to grab my clothes, so um. you can go shower now if you want, and i'll change in here?"

"uh yeah, sure. that's good," i nodded while getting off my bed. phil shuffled over out of the doorway, and i gathered my clothes and my phone up. then i made my way to the bathroom for a much needed shower.

when i got into the bathroom, i set my clothes on the counter next to the sink with my phone on top. after that, i grabbed my towel and set it on the other side of the counter. then i picked up my phone and put on eden and i's playlist because it had a wider selection of songs than mine.

then i started the shower. when it was ready i got in and let it wash away all the dirt and grim on me from the day. i ran my hand through my hair and all of the negative thoughts i had floating around in the back of my head washed away, down the drain with the shampoo and the soap. that's why i like showering at night. i can usually fall asleep without too much of a problem. sometimes it doesn't work, or i don't have time to relax in the shower, but most of the time it does.

anyway, i finished up in the shower, and turned off the water. before i opened the curtain, i rung out some of the water in my hair. obviously it was still wet, but it wasn't dripping all over the floor. then i got out and dried myself off before changing into my pajamas and putting my towel into the hamper with my dirty clothes. finally, i grabbed my phone and walked back to my bedroom. and to phil.

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