Chapter 2- BTS CAFE

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They all arrive at the cafe. At the same time all the delivery was arrive as well so they all busy moving all the ingredients and stuff that they need it for their cafe and organize it before their opening. 

Once they done, They start to brew the coffee and others for opening preparation. 

They all busy in the kitchen and stuff. 

Namjoon come to the kitchen to looks for his big hyung about today's news.

"Hyung... Do we need to research and check with our acquintance to learn about what is this food critics like and dislike so we would know what we are facing later on. I do believe you and Yoongi hyung can handle him really well as usual but its better be prepare before the war right?"

Jin and Yoongi smiled they both understand that the others are worried since they also feel the same.

"Like Joonie I also believe in you hyungs" said Hobie a.k.a Mr. Sunshine who always share positive minds in the group.

Somehow they all come to the kitchen to discuss on this morning news with their hyungs. 

"Guys don't worry, together we can get through any test like we used too. So lets start the day. Will see what will happens later." He try to smile as genuine as possible despite all his worries.

Jimin just smile "Hyungs I am not worried. Just thinking which are the menus that really representative enough for this food critic." 

He paused a bit and continue "Actually all our menu are great but don't you think we should create something new. We can do research to find what kind of food this food critic really love and enjoy like RM Hyung suggested."

Tae finally speak up "Wow Jiminie thats brilliant. I think we should do that and we should do it immediately since we don't know when he will come."

Yoongi so happy that they all confidence that they can defeat this food critic. However the time relevant is the factor here. He not sure when this food critic will come and how many days left for them to do all research and develop new menu.

"I think we better improve our current menu or I meant lets level up or ugrade since we dont know when he will come."

"Agreed we only know that he will come but not sure when. Fortunately this food critic look is noticable since he quite famous for his handsome look so we can spot him quite easy as soon as he walks through that door".

"We can find his photos everywhere online."

"Lets hope we can put on a smile on those beautiful face. I know I want it so bad to do that." Jin almost said it outloud. 

Now they all curious about how his look like.

"Wow hyung, this first time hearing you wanna it to put on a smile at someone's face since we known you barely dates around." Jiminie can't help to notice that his big hyung was blushing when he said that. 

Tae open his phone and search the name Jeon Jungkook the famous food critics. After he saw the result all his do is whistling.

Jimin took his phone and "Wow Jin hyung no wonder you wanna put a smile on his face. Look at those big doe eyes, big high nose and beautiful lip. His whole look is gorgeous. He is your type." 

Jimin laugh since he find Jin hyung get his ears all red because of shyness. Other follow to tease him too.

"Jin hyung maybe you should find a way to win his heart rather then winning on this food taste." Namjoon add it and Jin's ears  getting more red than already are.

Yoongi and Tae laugh so hard they almost fell down from the bar chairs.

"Hyung.. If I am not taken then I will be your competition." said Hobie whose end up got jealous glare from  Yoongi.

They all laugh so hard and not realize they haven't start preparing to open. 

Jin finally back to his sense after being tease hard by the others "Lets do what we can do today and worried about tomorrow later. If this food critic decide to come today then there is nothing we can do. Lets go back to work and fighting as usual. Just need to extra hard start today". 

Later they all scramble around immediately for open up.

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