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Jin POV.

We finally arrived at Jungkook's home.

His home is an apartment suite with 2 bedrooms that really luxurious like our apartment. Jungkook's right his apartment resembling to my bedroom decoration and interior. We really do have same taste after all. No wonder the moment I step into his home I feel so homey and feels like I belong here. This is weird feeling since it's first time for me to come here. 

"How is it?" 

"You absolutely right Kookie. We do have same taste after all. I like your home is cozy and minimalist. Not so many stuffs but all the interior is very comfy and feels familiar with mine."

"I don't like to have many stuffs around and I really love to stay at home rather go outside. That's why my home always feels cozy and comfortable."

"Wow... I love your kitchen set is mixed between classic and modern." I really love this kitchen.

"Come on baby. Why don't you wait for me in the living room while I am preparing dinner. You love to sing right? thekaraoke machine is already set up only need to turn on and you can use it."

"Its okay Kookie let me help you with the preparation. Where you put all the ingredients I can wash and cut it for you. What you plan to cook for dinner?"

"Its gonna be a surprise. So if you don't want to be in the living room to sing or watch TV maybe you can take a rest in the master bedroom. I will call you when is done. I have prepare it all before I left to pick you up so it won't take long. Beside you have been busy all day it's better let me do all the work and you just rest."

"But Kookie it will be weird since its my first time here and all I do is sleep."

Jungkook approach his boyfriend and gently pull him into a hug while he whisper "If like that why don't you stay here permanently then it won't be weird right? I think you will love it here since you said it yourself it feels like home." 

I glare at him and gently hit his arm since he loves to tease me. 

He laughed really hard to see me sulking like this, "Honey, I really like seeing you like this. I wish I could see you like this 24-7." I keep hit him gently since he keep teasing me and suddenly my stomach growl.

"Oh no... where is my manner I just let my baby hungry like this. Come on.. " He pulled me away from the kitchen and go upstairs to his room. He lay me down on his bed and kiss my forehead before headed back to the kitchen to prepare the dinner. 

The bed feels comfortable and soon after I fall asleep. 

I am awake because Jungkook kiss my lips while I am still in the dreamland. 

"Wake up sleeping beauty. Dinner is ready or you want me to bring it here so we can eat it on the bed." he kiss me again while shake me gently to wakes me up.

"No need Kookie. I am awake now. Something smells awesome."

I hold on to him while we walk downstairs. This feeling is really amazing. It feels like we already a married couple. 

"Jinie.. is it weird if I want us to be like this forever?" asked Jungkook while stroking my hands. 

"Surprisingly I am thinking the same as you Kookie" I shyly admit to him.

"We always share the same braincell aren't we? Now let's eat first." He pulls the chair for me and gently slide me in. 

"Kookie this is amazing. Everything looks great. Do you really need to prepare so many foods since only for the two of us here? Also how do you manage to prepare it so fast."

"I can manage it well honey.. come lets eat before it gets cold." 

I enjoy his cooking. The food taste is absolutely delicious. We both keep silent and enjoying our dinner. 

After dinner and clean up we take our wine to the living room. He put some of the lovely music for us. 

"Jin do you want to watch movie or play games?"

"Hmmm...  I don't know. How about you?what do you want to play?"


"Yaaaay Jungkook ... stop teasing me and stop being a pervert. Please be serious now."

"I am being serious here baby. Please don't be mad I do wanna play with you." he said it while playing with the edge of my collar.

"Later okay? Let's stay here and listen to the music." I move my back so he can hug me and I put my arms on top of his arms. We stay on couch hugging and listening to the music for awhile but Jungkook is not a person who can stay still so he begin to sniffing through my neck and take a deep breath in before he start give me kisses everywhere. 

"Jinie you smell so good. I love smelling your body odor is so fresh and always smells great like fruits." 

I took the remote and press the off button for the music to stop. I stand up and pull him with me. We walk toward his bedroom. 

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