Chapter 5 - DINNER PLAN

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He wakes up feeling great. Last night he sleeps like a baby but when he turn around to the other side of his bed he feels a bit empty and lonely. He wishes that Jungkook can be sleep next to his side. He really hope that one day they can share the bed and wake up together to enjoy the morning sunshine.

Without realized it's been 4 months since we both become a couple. Boy.. the time goes by so fast when you are in love and happy. I have seeing him almost everyday but still miss him so much.

I need to get ready to go to work and hope today can meet Jungkook like any other days.

Almost everyday we meet at the cafe. Both of us are busy so we never have the chance to arrange more dates but we keep communicate and seeing each others daily. Our relationship is grow closer and closer.

He always dine at our cafe whether he come for lunch or dinner but he didn't take it for granted he always paid for all the foods that he consume. Eventhough sometime I invite him to eat with us when we have lunch/dinner breaks but He always refuse to join since he said is not good to mix business with pleasure. Not until He put a wedding band on my finger.

When I heard that he has this thought make me feels like walking on the moon. My admiration towards him grew beyond words. He so determine and so loving.

We always share thought about how to make better menu since we all in the same line of works.

I keep smiling on the way to the cafe while thinking of him without realize that I already near and not notice someone is looking straight at me with his beautiful smile. Waiting for me at front door of the cafe then he approach me with open arm to hug and lightly kiss me.

"Morning babe.. why you smiling all by yourself?"

"Morning Kookie, You early don't you have to go to work?" try to avoid his questions.

"Oh honey are you forgot that today is my break?" Jungkook said while he wait for me to open the cafe's door and get in. We walked in and he took my hand into his. Both of us totally forgot about he others.

"Ah... I am sorry I totally forgot because only you taking the day off while I am not." I said it without realizing that I am pouting at him.

Jungkook smiled as he patted my cheeks "Oh my God, even when you pouting like that still look so beautiful." He pulled me closer and hugged me tight.

"I am beautiful no matter what I do Kookie. Don't you ever doubt that." I flirt at him with both my eyes and soon being surprise by Jungkook sudden move kissing my lips.

"Koookiiie..." I punch him slightly on his chest since he startled me like that while I know my face must be blushing so hard.

I blushed even more when I realize the others are staring at us.

"Hyung.. its like watching K-Drama here. How about you guys go to the office and keep doing what you wanna do so we all can concentrate here." Hobie tease us while others laugh so hard at us.

Jungkook grinning and gently pulled me to the office while I am frozen at my place after being teased.

As soon as we enter "Jinie, you haven't answer my questions earlier?"

I blushly admit that he is the reason for my smile this morning.

"Aren't you adorable always thinking about me like I always do everyday. Actually I would like to ask you if you are available for our 2nd date?" Jungkook saying it while pull me closer and holding my waist.

"Sure Kookie, when and where you wanna go?"

"Hmm... you wanna come to my place?" Jungkook said while staring at me curiously about how he will response.

"Kookie, Don't you think is a bit too soon?" shyly Jin reply to him.

"Jinie, we have been seeing each other about 4 months now. Beside I live alone so you won't see my parents if you not ready. As much as I want to introduce you to them but I will wait until you really sure and ready."

"Kookie thank you for understanding. How about I invite you for dinner at our place instead? I see that you getting along well with my dear friends but I haven't properly introduce you to them. I will prepare home cook meal for you."

"Wow..I would love that. When you want me to come?"

"How about tonight?".

"Sure I'll be there at 7 ok?"

"Ok." said Jin in flustered mode everytime Jungkook stare at him.

Jin informed the others about tonight dinner plan with Jungkook. They all excited and informed all staffs that they will closed early today.

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