Chapter 16 - TRIP

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They finally reach the airport and get into the plane for their trip to Jeju do.

Jungkook notice that his boyfriend is very quiet ever since they left the cafe and on the way to the airport. That makes him worried because something is bothering his boyfriend or if he makes wrong decision by slightly forcing him to come with him to the convention. 

"You so quiet Jinie something bothering you?"

"Its nothing Kookie I am fine. I just feeling guilty about living them with the cafe."

"Please don't be Jinie. I heard from the guys that you hardly go on the trips or take holiday leave. So they wish you could lighten up and relax on this trip. Are you really love working that much thats why you don't like taking holiday trips?"

"Actually I love trips but usually when the cafe is really closed for the long holiday and I never take any personal leave to go on personal trips. Usually I go on the trips with my family or the brothers."

"Don't you have other friends outside the brothers?

"I have but since I am always busy at the cafe so mostly I met them at the University or group study or at the cafe."

"You meant your cafe was already establish since you guys athe college?"

"Yes Kookie. We thought that since our parents teach us about how to manage our financial and teach us about taking full responsiblity since early age so each and everyone us always save up our allowance. Suprisingly the saving of 6 of us was more than enough to rent and open the cafe. So we rent small place nearby our school and It went well after several years. Later we found another place that suite our dream cafe so we gather all the profits and from the help of the bank who give us lease then we able to open BTS CAFE."

"Wow you guys are awesome. Not only you run the business personally but you all manage to give special color in the CAFE since all of you are personally involve in it. No wonder your cafe atmosphere are totally different with others."

"This cafe is manifest of our blood, sweat and tears. Although is happy tears mostly. All our customer said the cafe is making them feel warm and welcome like home."

"You guys really amazing can run business at young age and do everything by yourself as well. I wish I can do that too."

"You are more than welcome to join us if you like to start business on your own Kookie. I think you can do well since I saw you when helping us at the cafe. Also your work is highly recognize in our culinary world so you did great as well."

"You highly praise me too much my baby. I am hoping to be as good as you."

"You are not just good but you are remarkable sweetie."

Jungkook smile beautifully to his baby.

"Kookie when you in convention what will I do then while waiting for you?"

"Baby you can work out, maybe got to spa or swimming or just simply lay down and take a full rest since you will be so sore tonight so tomorrow you barely can move." Jungkook teasing him.

"Here we go again why you always have to be so pervert Jeon Jung Kook." he hit his baby's arm.

"Because I am with you darling that is logic reason of my behaviour. You make me can't control my passion and desire of lust." 

Jin pouting again and hit his baby's arm while Jungkook pinch his baby pink cheeks. He laughs since Jin sulking after he keep teasing him. 

Finally they arrive at Jeju - do. After Jungkook renting a car they headed to the Hotel while take long drive to enjoy the scenery and the breeze. 

The hotel they headed also have beautiful scenery and both of them so dumbfounded to see the view. 

"Wow the view from this room is amazing and beautiful Kookie. This is like a honeymoon suite. It's gorgeous." Jin curiously exploring the room and keep awe everytime. While Jungkook keep smiling seeing his baby looking around with awe face. 

Jungkook keep thinking if this is the accomodation that his boss will have or is actually being arrange by his Boss or friend of Namjoon whose they just meet at the receptionist. Apparently Namjoon's friend - Jackson is Senior Manager at his luxurious hotel. 

"I need to check and make sure to thank them in return." said Jungkook while seeing his baby so happy with the arrangement. 

They freshen up get ready for dinner before they go and rest for tomorrow. 

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