Chapter 15 - PERMISSION

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Jungkook POV.

His phone ring while they are on the way to work. 

"Hi boss, aren't you supposed to go trip to Jeju for convention?"

"Jungkook about that, I call because I need to cancel my trip due to the emergency. We have urgent meeting that I need to attend so I need you to fill in my position in Jeju but you need to leave today since the convention tomorrow. Can you help me?"

"Hmmm.... Can I bring a partner with me?"

"Sure. The accomodation is for two so you can bring someone with you. Is your boyfriend isn't it?"

"Yes how do you know?" He laugh.

"You have been talking about him for months now. So I think you gonna bring him with you as well."

"Wow boss really?!" 

Jin sit next to him getting confuse.

"Yes really. So when you plan to let me meet him already. I have heard about him so many times but can't put his face on the story."

"I will bring him to meet you after we return from Jeju do but boss please be reminded that he is mine so you can't snatch him. I know your reputation really well."

Jin getting more confuse. 

"Wow Jeon Jungkook.. How dare you implying that I am going to snatch your boyfriend. We have known each other so long. I think you know me well that my taste is different than yours. And what do you mean my reputation?" 

"Your reputation being the Top Notch Playboy is there for many years don't denied it. Come on Bogum hyung you can see my boyfriend from the culinary magazine and tell me that you didn't find him interesting."

"Which edition?"

"This month edition." Jungkook glaze to see if Jin becoming more uncomfortable with his conversation with his boss/best friend. 

Jin just glaring at him and without a words just pouting in disagree with he becoming the topic of their discussion. 

"Wah Jeon Jungkook - your boyfriend is the famous handsome chef Kim Seok Jin. Wow you hit the gold spot. How did you meet him? He is totally gorgeous. I can't wait to meet him."

"Oh no You won't. You said that we have different taste yet now you absolutely mesmerized by him."

"Come on Jungkook don't be a pain."

"No means no Bogum hyung. Okay I am driving now. I will go back to packed so I won't come to the office today. Will go directly to the airport."

"Okay Let me know when you can be ready so I will ask my secretary to make arrangement for you. You don't have to buy the ticket but you can just checking using e-ticket that later she will send it to you. Just give me your boyfriend full name then she will take care of it. By the way I can find away to meet your boyfriend as well." Bogum try to tease him. 

"Don't you dare come and find  Jin. I will hunt you down if you try. I will check in with you later when I reach there."

They arrive at the cafe. He parked and get in with Jin.

"What is that all about? Why you threaten your boss when he wants to meet me. I thought he is your bestfriend too."

"He is a Playboy that is why I don't want you to meet him. And Baby you heard my boss I need to fill in for him to Jeju and I can bring you with me. Would you wanna come with me? It will be 3 days 2 night trips. The convention is 1 day the rest of the days we can chill at the hotel or go to the beach or eat seafood."

"I wanna come but I am not sure if it is okay with the others since I have been late nowadays and being busy with you."

"Yo lovebirds what are you guys whispering there for. You can go into the office and talk there." said Jimin when seeing them stand in front of the cafe door but not come in.

"Let me think for awhile okay Kookie?"

"I'll be here since I don't need to come to the office."

"I'll go busy in the kitchen. Are you gonna be okay I leave you here?"

"I'll be fine baby. I will go help Jimin." I kissed him and watch him enter the kitchen.

"Is something bothering our big hyung Jungkook?" asked Jimin.

"Yes. You see I need to go for business trip to Jeju and my boss said I can bring someone with me. So I ask Jinie but he is hesitate since he doesn't want to leave you all or bothering you guys. I envy you all for having such great hyung."

"Now you know why we all love our big hyung so much since kid he always care and look after us. We all neighbours and our parents are closed with each other so we always gather around and play together. Because he is older so he take full responsibility for all of us. Don't worry Jungkook let me handle this okay. I will make sure that you leave here with our hyung to Jeju do." Jimin smile to reassure him.

Soon Jimin left his station. I stay there and look after his station while Jimin away.

Jimin return with a smile on his face again. Hobie come with him too.

"Hi Jungkook.. Jimin already told us everything. Our hyung never take holidays since he always busy with the cafe and take care of us. So let us do this for him that is at least we can do to repay him."

"Thanks Hobie hyung. Actually I need your permission for others. Hope you can give it to me."

I whisper to both of them and ask their help to gather the permission from the others too.

"Ooooo Jungkook your wish is granted." said Jimin follow by Hobie who is nodding beside him.

"You got it from me too. Let us look for the others and you wait our good news okay?!"

Soon after they all come and hugs me. I got their permission after all. I couldn't be happier.

"I will help you for the preparation from here once you arrive there. Just let me know my friend worked there as Manager his name is Jackson I will call him now and let him now about the arrangement." Joon take out his note and write down everything that I need.

I see Yoongi bring Jinie out of the kitchen and pass him to me.

"Hyung you need to go home and packed for the trip. Don't worry about us and the cafe. We'll be just fine. Kookie please take good care of our hyung. He need holidays and seriously need to relax. You got my permission too." Yoongi shake my hand while Jin seeing them in confusion.

"I'll take good care of him hyung. Don't worry and thank you. I won't let you all down."

"Well you better not." said Taehyung who suddenly come and hug me.

"You got my permission too." Tae whisper in my ear while hug me.

Jin getting more confuse. I put my arm around his waist "Can I take you home to pack now baby?"

His nodding while saying thank you to the others but he still stand in front of them not moving.

"Come on hyung. Stop worrying and leave for holidays already." Hobie hugs Jin and reassure him that they will be just fine.

Although Jin hesitate he finally move and I lead him to the door.

We go home packed and headed to Gimpo Airport. 

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