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Dear Yeonjun,

College entrance exams are coming up right? You should study hard if you want to go to your dream school.

You know, I'm not a senior so I don't know what that's like. I know that you have to apply to the schools, fill out forms, and oh, we're currently learning about the different kinds of letters. Two of those are the letter of request and recommendation.

I don't know how you can talk to teachers. I'm not close to anyone other than my adviser. Actually, I'm not that close to her but I like her. She's nice. Not in a weird way though but I genuinely like her as a second mom.

But anyways, there you have it, me suddenly rambling a bit if my life haha. Since it's application season, I wish you the best of luck! I hope you pass all the schools that you will apply to and I hope that you'll get a scholarship! You're literally one of the best dancers I've ever seen so if people think that you're bad at dancing, I can fight them for you.

I have to go now Yeonjun. Still have projects to finish. Again, good luck in your college applications and exams and I hope that you'll have a good day!

Secret Admirer

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