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Dear Yeonjun,

It's exam week!

And I'm not ready! :'D

Tomorrow's the first day of exam yet our deadline for this one project is on Thursday and it's a hastle... I'm pretty sure that there are even worse deadlines but still... All I want to do is rest...

It's also the first day of exam for you, I assume... Unless we have different schedules...

But anyway, good luck on your exams Yeonjun! I know that you'll be able to answer all of the questions right, but can you answer this question...

"Are you willing to be my friend?"

I've mentioned that I've wanted to be friends with you. I've been writing to you ever for quite a while now and it's just makes me wonder, are you willing to be friends with me?

Will you accept me for who I am? For what I would like? How I would act to others? Would you want to be my friend in general?

It's not that I'm doubting you but, I don't want to hope too much. Let me take this opportunity to thank you for reading these letters. I'm glad that I've made you smile this school year. Whether or not you would want to be my friend, I will always cherish the moments of the present and the past, for this opportunity of being able to talk to you.

Thank you for everything Yeonjun, really. I am grateful for your existence.

Anyways, for exams, make sure that you studied well and always know that I am here rooting for you!

Write to you later Yeonjun!

Special Friend

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