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Dear Special Friend,

Hi...so um...I know that there's really no point in writing this letter but I'm just gonna do it anyway. I have to lighten the weight that I've been carrying for these past months.

So, to start, I recently found out that Chan wrote a letter to you. In that letter, he wrote that I didn't want to be friends with you anymore because I found out that you are a guy. But I didn't know it until recently. He used my name so that you would be convinced that I was the one who wrote the letter. Honestly, until now, I don't even know your name. He never told me.

I've been waiting for your letter but, I guess, you never wrote it because of the letter Chan sent to you. You stopped writing to me because of him. We never met because of him, which is why I ended my friendship with him.

I couldn't believe that he did this. I thought that I could trust him, I really did. But this? I can't forgive him for it. I honestly didn't want to be friends with him anymore so I'm glad that I did what I did.

He said to me that he noticed that I started to change ever since you wrote those letters and, thanks to you, I've changed. And he said that the reason why he did that was that he noticed that I was falling in love with you.

And I am...or I did...but you did...

Your heartwarming letters, your cute handwriting, your words of encouragement oh how I missed that so. I missed you, which is strange because I never met you. I don't even know your name!

I wanted to get to know you. I was so excited to meet you. But then this happened...

Though, I feel like it's my fault that this happened. I allowed him to read the letters, but only some. I could've seen the signs because he was so eager to look at the letters you've written, and he did that all because he didn't want us to meet.

I'm sorry for breaking your heart... I'm sorry for disappointing you because I am one... I'm a disappointment. You idolized me but I have failed you... so I'm sorry if I couldn't maintain that. I'm sorry that you had to go through this, I'm sorry for everything.

When you confessed to me, I felt...really happy. Because I never felt as loved as before. You made me feel loved and... I love you...

Then again, you probably moved on from me now and I'm probably stupid but, it's okay... I guess...

Whoever you are, I hope that you move on from me because I don't deserve you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm so thankful for you but, I'm not worth it. I made you upset, I made you like this... I'm sorry.

To your future partner, I hope that they can give you as much happiness as you have given to me. I hope that they can make you happy, something that I actually wanted to do for you. 

Maybe we have met before, or maybe we have not. But I hope that you won't ignore me in the future. I hope that I can see you at least once. Even if I do not know I'm speaking to the person who once wrote to me like how Marinette talks Chat Noir (although both of them are oblivious... you know what I mean) I hope that I can talk to you at least once. I hope that we can have a normal conversation at least once.

Thank you for everything special friend, for the happiness and love that you have given me.

I'm sorry...

I love you.

I hope that you will live a happy life because you deserve it so.




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