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Dear Yeonjun,

How are you doing Yeonjun? Have you been resting well?

Exams are coming up again and do you know what's one word I would use to describe this whole school year? Ha, I bet you guessed it.


Don't you ever feel like dropping all of your academics and just do the other things you love? Don't you just want to watch Netflix, play games, dance even, instead of doing your homework? Well, that's my mood right now. I don't want to do anything else but eat or sleep.

How about you Yeonjun? I know that I wouldn't be able to see your reply but you could probably think about your answer. I can guess that being a Senior is a lot more stressful than being a Junior. Ugh I just want this school year to end; but at the same time I don't.

Because I won't be seeing you around anymore next school year.

It's been a while since I wrote my first letter to you, hasn't it? More than half a school year haha.

You know, I've been calling myself as your 'Secret Admirer'. You've known me as your secret admirer and honestly, I want you to call me as someone else. Another nickname, if it's fine with you.

It's 5 minutes before time so, I got to go Yeonjun. Don't forget to rest alright?

Special Friend

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