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After all of the excruciating load of homework and projects that they had to go through, they finally graduated high school and its time to move on to college life. To leave their high school life behind their footsteps.

At least, that's what Yeonjun hoped for.

He kept those words that he had said to Chan, that he would wait for his special friend's letter until the end of the school year. However, he received no letter and no confrontation. To his dismay, his special friend never revealed their identity. They broke their promise and he just wanted to leave that behind along with his high school life. To leave the pain and the betrayal and to bring along the good memories with him.

Yeonjun was sitting on his bed wearing black shorts and a white sleeveless shirt. Next to him was his laptop that was set on a video call with his best friend, Chan. Since it was the second week of summer vacation, Yeonjun and Chan decided to have a video call with each other, chatting away about random things and about moving forward.

"If you're going to stay in a dorm, then you better call me so that we can be dormmates." Yeonjun chuckles at his own humor, and so did Chan.

"Our universities are two cities away, how would you commute to your college?"

"Teleportation of course," Yeonjun replied with the highest degree of confidence (Chan snorted). "Why? Got any better ideas?"

Chan shrugged at him, "I thought you would say a helicopter or something but nope, I guess you're getting superpowers then."

"I'm gonna be your Anpanman." Yeonjun laughs, taking out his phone from inside his pocket. "I'm gonna save y'all and bring you guys to nine and three quarters so that we can go away to the magical land of Harry Potter,"

"Gonna cast spells and learn dark magic—"

"And maybe turn back time so that I can find out who my special friend was," Yeonjun mentions with a hint of sadness in his voice. This sentence silenced the whole chat, bringing in a melancholy atmosphere.

For a moment, Chan thought that Yeonjun was joking. Well, he knew he was joking but, when they got to the last part, he could tell that Yeonjun meant that. It wasn't just serious, but he can also tell that his best friend was still yearning for his special friend, unable to move on from them. Chan sighed, shaking his head. "How many times do we have to talk about this?"

His annoyance was evidently heard through his words, puzzling Yeonjun. He took his eyes off the phone and turned to the laptop screen. There, he could see Chan's expression and he honestly looked a bit, fed up.

"Have I said too much?" Yeonjun asks, raising a brow.

"Y—" Chan stops himself, following the orders of the back of his head which tells him to not make himself anymore stressed. "No, okay." He lets out a breath, de-stressing. He brought up his phone and tapped and tapped on his screen quickly, seeming to have something in mind.

Yeonjun cocks his head to the side, wondering what Chan was doing. "What is it?"

"We are going to find potential girlfriends for you," Chan states, eyes glued to his phone screen.

Yeonjun held back a sigh.

Not this again...


"So that you can move on from that special friend of yours," Chan confirms, swiping his screen.

Those words tightened his heart. He knew that he shouldn't feel anything when talking about this. He knew that he should be moving on from them, from that special friend who used to mean a lot to him. Although, Yeonjun was having a hard time to do so. His curiosity to figure out their identity only grew, and so did his longing for them.

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