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Dear Yeonjun,

I'm almost ready. I'm still gathering up the courage but I think I'm almost ready to meet you. I hope you're ready to meet me because honestly, I'm both excited and terrified to reveal my identity to you.

This might be one of my final letters so before anything else, I'd just like to say thank you for everything. Thank you for reading my letters, thank you for being so kind to me, thank you for existing, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! You bring me happiness whenever I would feel blue. You are my idol, my inspiration. You're so talented and so handsome, I wish I could be like you. But I know that I should love myself, accept whatever has been given to me.

The school year is about to come to a close, in a few months, it would be your graduation. I hope that even after this, we could still be in contact. That we can talk to each other; that maybe, I can finally receive a reply from you. I hope that this conversation would no longer be one-sided, but for both people to communicate with each other.

For whoever I am, for whoever I may be, please accept me with your whole heart.

I'm not perfect, but I can be an imperfect friend for you.

The next letter that I'll write, that'll be for the confirmation. That'll be the letter from me telling you that I'm ready to become known to you. So stay tuned! Haha.

Write to you later Yeonjun, just wait a little longer. Alright?

Special Friend

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