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Dear Yeonjun,

Do you like bread?

I know it's such a random question but I just want to know if you like bread.

Ah right right, you can't reply. Um, I'll just assume that you like bread since everyone likes bread but I guess there are people who don't but I know that most of the human population likes bread because even Jesus likes bread since he is bread but if he is bread then does that mean the game in I Am Bread the bread is Jesus himself in the form of a toast bread? But sins are dirty and I know that he isn'y dirty since he isn't a sinner...

Omg I'm so sorry for rambling through writing. I'm really nervous since I'm going to have a presentation later in front of the teachers and I am highly anxious. I just thought that maybe, writing to you would ease me a bit.

It actually did. I feel a little bit better but still panicking a bit.

I can do this Yeonjun. I can do this hahaha...

But seriously, I want to bake bread for you soon. I want to thank you for your existence since you help me a lot.

I'm weird I'm sorry but I promise that I'll bake bread for you soon.


Secret Admirer

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