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Another letter. That's what Yeonjun had found as he opened the door of his locker.

That familiar intermediate paper that was folded neatly into four folds was what he expected as he arrived at school this Tuesday morning.

The ends up Yeonjun's lips tugged upwards as he reaches his hand into the locker, grabbing the said paper. He unfolds it with one hand while his free one pushed the locker door closed.

It was another letter from his secret admirer.

His eyes skimmed over the words that were neatly written by his secret admirer. Words that brought him a sense of happiness that he never had felt before. These letters he had been receiving brightened his day. Knowing that someone appreciates and wants to know him brought him an uncontainable ecstatic joy.

Yeonjun propped his back against the lockers, his eyes shining as he reads the words, a grin slowly forming on his face.

"Hey, dude!" A voice called out to him from his side.

Yeonjun lifted his head to meet the gaze of the person who had called him. There approached his best friend, Lee Chan. He was a lot smaller than Yeonjun, had round glasses, raven hair, but overall, seeing him brought a smile to his face. "Hey, Chan."

Chan only smiled, opening his locker —which was just next to Yeonjun's— grabbing all the things that he needed for the day and putting everything in his shoulder bag. "Is that another letter from your secret admirer?" He asks, closing the door promptly, standing right next to Yeonjun with his gaze glued to the sheet of paper he was holding.

Yeonjun glances away from him, irises landing back to the lovely note before him. "Yeah."

His grasps onto the paper soften, re-reading every word of the said letter with a heartwarming smile implanted on his face.

"Do you have an idea who wrote that?" Chan questions, making Yeonjun turn back to him, blinking questionably before his irises rise to the ceiling in thought.

He tried to think of who, but there was no one he could think of. Pursing his lips, eyes remained on the ceiling, he shakes his head. "Nope. No one as of the moment." He honestly replies, diverting his gaze back to Chan's.

The latter gazes away from him, crossing his arms and propping his back against the wall with quite a mischievous demeanor. "Do you know who I think wrote that?" Yeonjun only stares at him with blank eyes, shaking his head in reply.

Chan smirked at him before looking at the other direction, hinting Yeonjun to follow his gaze. And so he did.

There, right by the door of one of the classroom stood their batchmate. A beautiful girl with her arms wrapped around her chest, holding a book close to her. She had her brown hair tied up into pigtails, swaying side by side as she was talking to a friend of hers. She had big and innocent doe eyes and she had an innocent aura glazed around her.

She was pretty, but not Yeonjun's type.

"Jiwoo?" Yeonjun asks with his eyebrow cocked up. Chan bobbed his head in reply.

"Yeah. She looks like that type of girl who would write letters to her crush you know." He pointed out, looking back at Yeonjun with a different grin.

Well, that seemed true. She does look like one of those girls who would write cute and lovely little letters to her crush but, Yeonjun's gut was telling him that she wasn't the one. She can't be the one to have written those heartwarming letters.

"I don't think so..." Yeonjun sheepishly replies, folding the paper neatly then slipping it into the back pocket of his pants.

"Or maybe it's Yerim." Chan points out, shrugging, "She also looks like that type who would write letters to you."

"Or maybe we should wait until they reveal themselves." Yeonjun intrudes, noting. "I don't want to assume anything and I don't want to put my hopes up on a person who might not be the one I'm looking for."

Chan eyes Yeonjun with a kind of glint in his eyes. He lets out a gentle breath through his nose, slipping his hands into his pockets. "Well if you really are waiting for this person, then yeah. Let's wait."

The way he said it was as if he was defeated, but Yeonjun tried to not think about it too much.

His irises land back to Chan, catching him sigh into the warm air. Chan doesn't say anything immediately, licking his dry lip before gazing up in thought. "Whoever this is, I'll support you Yeonjun, seeing that this person cares about you a lot."

He could tell that he was concerned, a bit worried, but it was quite heartwarming. And Yeonjun was thankful that Chan understood him.

This person, whoever his secret admirer was, is special to him. Though he doesn't know them, though he hasn't seen their face, that person holds a special place to his heart. Some people may be creeped out about this, find this to be simply entertaining, but to Yeonjun, it was like he found the someone who could complete him.

Or probably he's thinking too early about love and stuff.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he goes back to Chan. He lifted his hand and rested it on top of Chan's shoulder with a tight-lipped smile.

"Thanks, Chan."

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