Do i have to?

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"Do I have to?" I whined to jade. My eyes were still puffy but now I had more to worry about.

"Yes! Of course!" Jade seemed like she knew a lot about this stuff, I wonder how.

"What if-" I start but jade cuts me off.

"If he doesn't support you i will!" She knew exactly what I was going to say. I am so thankful for a friend like her.

"Ok, ok." I breathed out in exhaustion. This had been the worst summer ever.

" I'm gonna go, you phone him as soon as I close this door!" She demanded and hugged me good bye.

"Oh and jade.." I said right before she closed the door. She looked at me like she was saying "yeah?"

"Thank you, for everything." I looked down at my feet. She closed the door after she looked at me with peer sympathy and love.

1 hour later:

"Ok. Ok. Jamie you can do this. Its the same Rylan you walked to school with. The- the- same Rylan you had sex with." I said to myself and laid my phone in my hands "the same Rylan you had sex with." Tears rolled down my face and I searched and searched for the courage to phone him

1 hour later:

"Hey babe!" Rylan said as he answered.

"Rylan... We need to talk..." I trailed off and I knew he was beginning to worry.

"Baby? What's wrong?" He said concerned

"This is really hard to tell you.. Just please don't- don't freak out ok?"

"Jamie... I'm starting to worry, what's going on...?" He said as the springs on his bed squeaked indicating he had sat down.

"I'm- I'm..." I said to nervous to speak.

"Your what? Jamie..?" I didn't know if I could tell him...

"I'm... Pregnant." I said as I closed my eyes and laid my head in my hands. There was silence for about a minute. I could tell he was freaking out too.

"I.. I have to go." Were the last words I heard from him.

I broke down. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started sobbing and I couldn't stop. How was I ever going to take care for this baby by myself? I needed Rylan. I NEEDED him. He was the babies daddy! Should I even keep the baby? What am I going to do?

"Positive" •a 16 & pregnant  story• (complete)Where stories live. Discover now