3 months pregnant.

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I checked my phone as I walked down the cement side walk. 1:14. I'm still shaken up I mean who wouldn't be. I found out my boyfriend is sleeping with my best friend, but even worse, my dads sleeping with my best friends mom. No one said life was easy but I mean come on! I feel like life's punching bag.

I stopped at my front door which felt unfamiliar for some reason. I didn't want to be here. I never want to see this place again.

I noticed a large moving truck In the drive way. Grandma and grandpa must have really gone full out.

I unlocked the door with the key I still surprisingly had and stepped one foot into the house.

It use to feel warm and cozy when I stepped into my house but now all I feel is cold and bitterness running up my spine.

I went up to my room and all I saw was 1 box spring and a night stand. The movers came into the room as I dodged there heavy strides. They grabbed the box spring and night stand and carried then out the room like they were as light as a feather.

I followed then outside and watched as they crammed my stuff into the back of the truck. All my stuff was in there and reality hit me harder than ever.

A man with dirty blonde hair spiked up I the front headed towards me. I couldn't help but think he is really cute, even though he is probably like 20.

" are you.." he paused as he looked at his clip board. "Uhh Jamie smith?" He asked looking up from clip board.

"Oh uh yes, yes I am" I said I'm glad I didn't stutter. His faced showed a bit of expression.

"Would you like a ride to your grandmas house?" He asked more politely than the other question he asked.

"Oh, sure" I said it a little to cheery.

He led me up to the truck and opened the back seat doors, without saying a word he motioned me to get in.

It was a long ride. 40 miles is suppose to be a long ride but the awkward silence made it longer. I looked down at my stomach and just rubbed my belly. I was 3 months pregnant, I was starting to show. I looked at my stomach for the whole ride and just rubbed it. I can't believe I wanted to kill this little thing. I love it so much. I didn't think you could even love something you've never seen before but you can. And I do. Oh I do.

When they dropped me off I said "thank you" and headed towards my grandmas house and the guys headed to the back of the truck. I was created by Luna, a Great Pyrenees dog who loves to give kisses. I petted her and said "hello" I few times in a high pitched voice. I missed Luna, she always made me happy.

looked at my belly one last time before I knocked on the door.

"Positive" •a 16 & pregnant  story• (complete)Where stories live. Discover now