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"Today I had a haircut. Of course the members complimented me (or teased me when it comes to Seungmin).

Hyunjin did too when he first saw me outside of the stylist's room. But something was different in his eyes. I couldn't tell what exactly but I swear the way he looked at me was different than usual.

It kinda confused me and I couldn't take the gleam he had in his eyes out of my head for the whole day.

And lately, Hyunjin has a new habit. Beside hugging me every so often, he also attempts to playfully kiss me. Of course I dodge it but I'm always caught surpised by his attacks that he nearly manages to do it.

And it's not only in private, he has the guts to try to kiss me in front of cameras! That's cheeky! But I must admit his little laughs after are so funny.

For some reason I love the sound of his laughter. It's very unique and makes me want to hear it all the time. That's why I try to make him laugh by doing stupid things or making lame jokes.

This way I can hear his beautiful laugh after and it makes me want to laugh too."

Jeongin doesn't get up from the couch he was sitting on for the VLive with the boys, instead he lays down where he was when they ended the live.

The maknae is tired as hell because of the packed schedule. Between practice hours and recording, you could say he is rinsed off.

Hyunjin stays behind when all the other members go out of the room, as he had noticed the tired younger boy. He sits by his side, nudging Jeongin's ribs with his finger.

The maknae stirrs a bit making annoyed huffs but doesn't sit back up. Hyunjin, not taking the hint, playfully lays on top of the younger, making himself comfortable.

This time Jeongin whines outloud. So Hyunjin tries one of his kisses' attack aimed at the younger's cheek. But the maknae is too exhausted to fight him off so he doesn't avoid his band member's kiss.

He only hears a tiny sound of surprise from Hyunjin, startled by the maknae not dodging him. When his hyung takes a proper glance at the younger's face, he sees dark circles beginning to show under his eyes and how drained of energy the maknae truly is.

This makes Hyunjin's heart all warm and full of compassion for the younger, whom he knew had it harder than all his hyungs.

So Hyunjin does what he feels he had to do. He cups the younger's face as tenderly and as carefuly as he can and smiles reassuringly. 

He tilts Jeongin's head a little to the side and delicately kisses his soft cheek.

The maknae smiles with the ounces of energy that are left in him. He feels grateful to his hyung for his care. Hyunjin whispers:

-I'm going to put you to bed Innie, but for that I'll have to carry you. Can you put your arms around my neck?

The younger hums and does as he was told, holding his hyung like a koala. Hyunjin lifts him from where they are and makes sure he is secure before leaving the room and turning the lights off. He walks to the dorms and takes the younger's shoes off before laying him down on the bed. He changes himself into his pajamas before laying by his side and slowly drifts to sleep.

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