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"Since yesterday, Hyunjin is acting weird. I mean he already is a weird hyung but his behavior is even more odd these days. 

I'm not sure how to describe it but he seems fidgetty and hyper excited at the same time and at random times he becomes dead serious.

I first thought his way of acting was caused by the fear of our comeback but even during our first comeback he wasn't like that.

He is creating this kind of tensed atmosphere, like electricity in the air just before a storm, as if something is going to switch very soon, but nobody knows what is gonna happen yet.

And amongst these odd occurences, one stood out to me even more. Yesterday evening, Hyunjin took me apart and gave me a tiny box. He said it was a special gift for me.

Now don't think I'm a spoiled kid but I often receive presents  from hyungs like cute plushies, earphones or jewelries. 

But the way he offered me this box and how he seemed nervous and eager for me to open it felt different from any other present I received.

I then proceded to open the box and I saw a shiny thing inside: it was a metal ring. It is simple yet elegant and I immediatly tried it on. It fitted perfectly and looked like it belonged there.

Hyujin saw I liked his present and then said that he was wearing the exact same ring. He brought his hand next to mine to show me.

His nervousness seemed to decrease with me accepting his gift but the whole ordeal felt like it meant more than what it seemed, as if Hyunjin didn't tell me what it really was about.

That's when I kinda felt weird on the inside, there was this little spark feeling in my chest that began and I couldn't get the fact out of my head that Hyunjin offered this ring specifically to me.

Now I feel a bit dumb because it's only today that I realized something. This ring, it's a couple ring. Which is very different from a friendship bracelet or necklace. Friends don't offer couple rings.

Except Felix and Changbin, which are wearing the same rings. Or Jisung and Minho. Or even Chan and Woojin. But why does these examples don't sound like good ones?

Could that ring mean...? No, it must be a misunderstanding. How could Hyunjin...? No, it just doesn't seem possible.

I'm a bit confused now. Oh my... what is happening? I guess the answer is gonna be given in the next days, since the tension is so thick and the bubble of confusion is ready to burst."

It is one of these moments again, when Changbin and Felix are sitting entangled together on the sofa minding their own business after a tiring day.

When they talk, they are in their own world, as if they were the only two living creatures in the whole wide world. Sometimes they don't talk at all, but it always feels like a lot more is said without words.

This evening Changbin has finally settled his mind. He has been thinking about it since they first shared a kiss. So he goes for it, before the courgae he mustered up leaves him:

- Felix, would you be my boyfriend?

Felix turns his face to him from where's he's half lying on Changbin and asks wih his deep voice:

- What?

Only for Changbin to confirm:

- You heard that right.

- Really? Like... you want us to be... lovers?

- Yes.

- Okay, yes. I want that. Of course I want that!

Changbin's heart feels full of wild emotions, he's so happy that they are on the same page, that Felix actually wants what his own heart desires too. He even dares to joke in his euphoric state:

- We're now unofficially secret boyfriends.

- Yay! celebrates Felix, "I love the title!"

He giggles and winks at Changbin before his eyes fall on the other's lips. Felix  goes for a kiss, a very sweet one that last god knows how long!

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