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"I can't believe that Jeongin said yes to me. I was hoping he would but I never thought he would actually be feeling something for me and even less being ready to start a relationship.

And I became an emotional mess in front of him. I'm a bit embarrassed but I couldn't control the surge of emotions that washed over me then.

I was seriously so stressed and full of nerves before, his answer made me let go of everything that was bottled up.

I am more sensitive than I let others know of but I think Jeongin knows that. He was such a cutie for comforting me, he handled the situation very well. He is very understanding and caring.

Honestly I don't deserve him. But here we are in a world full of injustice and hatred and me having my love reciprocated by the angel Jeongin is.

Okay, maybe I'm daydreaming too much and I know Jeongin has flaws and our relationship won't be easy nor perfect. But I like him for what he is and I'm sure we'll make efforts to make this work between us two.

For now, all I have to do is enjoy this happiness and pepper Jeongin with love (which I already do, except now I can express it to the fullest, at least when there's no cameras).

We didn't kiss yet, I'm too shy for that now: it's so new to me and to him. But we cuddle lots and I'm loving it."

Hyunjin and Jeongin have an afternoon off along with the other members and decid to have a VLive cooking session for them and for Stays.

Hyunjin and Jeongin are unsure of how much affection they can display on camera or around the other members. Should they stay appart or should they not mind being close?

They both think it may seem weird if Hyunjin stops being clingy since he always is, it may even trigger suspicions amongst fans about this secret relationship.

So they try to act like they used to be before. Eventually they tend to cling a bit more together than with others. Fortunately they can go behind camera without a problem since they need to use the whole kitchen and the camera can't capture all of it.

Jisung notices how adorable Hyunjin and Jeongin are being, always playfully bickering on how to mix ingredients for the cookie recipe they're doing.

Suddenly Hyunjin knocks over the flour packet on accident and it gets all over Jeongin's sweater. As a revenge, Jeongin throws the remnants at Hyunjin, which ends with a food fight across the whole kitchen. 

Well, that was inevitable with the Stray Kids boys in a kitchen! Some cookies are a bit burned since they forgot them in the oven during the food fight but there's  enough good ones left for everyone to enjoy.

After finally finishing the said cookies, they say bye to Stays and turn off the camera. While they let the baked goods cool down, they all wash off the flour and crumbs that got everywhere, including into their hair!

Hyunjin uses this moment to get close to Jeongin by gently ruffling his hair and dusting the flour off from his shoulders and torso. A light pink appears on the maknae's cheeks, as he mirrors his hyungs gestures.

They are immersed in their own world as the other members observe them from a distance, silently cooing at their cuteness.


Hi there!

Thanks so much for the 1K reads, honestly I didn't put any efforts in promoting this story, I was just casually writing for fun so I'm pleasantly surprised! And I'm happy some of you actually enjoy it!

Also the Vlive cooking session I included in this chapter isn't referencing a real one, I just improvised.

If you like what I'm writing, you can always leave a comment it'll always be welcomed!

And continue on loving and supporting Stray Kids!!!

Lots of love <3


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