Chapter 4: Don't Go Looking For Basements

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"Kookie, we have the venue secured for this Saturday, yes?"

Roseanne hovers at the edge of the gymnasium, arms crossed and leant up against an old pillar. Her voice seems to fill the room, even amidst the symphony of whirring and banging from the renovators. The room has been stripped of its ceiling, and Jungkook seems to be pondering its design before Roseanne calls for him.

"Everything's all squared away!" His face lights up immediately when he spots Roseanne, running over to her with his clipboard. When he reaches her, he fidgets awkwardly, probably realizing he's a being little too enthusiastic. "All you've gotta do is give that speech and look beautiful. A-and you're good.. at both of those things.."

Roseanne blushes, flashing a small smile and pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. She's glad Jungkook's not angry with her after they talked about the whole turning him down situation, although she sort of wished he wouldn't compliment her like this. Roseanne didn't really know how to take compliments very well. Still, it seemed like the least she could do to make him feel better was let him be nice to her. It was charming after all, and he deserved to be given a little bit of grace.

"Thank you Kookie. How are the renovations coming along?"

"Oh, uh yes, um..." He fumbles with his clipboard a bit. "The lighting fixtures in here need replacing as well as the ceiling paneling. We've just finished up reflooring and replacing the windows so we've got at least the groundwork of the gym completed."

"I had a question, a little unrelated but still important."

Jungkook looks up at her, slightly surprised. "Yeah, of course."

Roseanne points towards the clipboard. "May I see that?"

He nods and hands it to her. She takes it from him, flitting through the pages. There's a variety of blueprints that Jungkook has drawn up, but she's looking for one in particular. It doesn't seem to be among his papers, and she lets out an inquisitive "hm" as she hands it back to him.

"Is something wrong?"
"Oh no, it's just uh.."
Do I ask? What if I look stupid? I just saw the blueprints and it wasn't there. No, you have to. Just like unnie said, grown woman things. "Did you, by any chance, find a basement?"

Jungkook furrows his eyebrows, puzzled. "Basement?"

"Yeah, um. I talked to Jisoo a few nights ago and one of the reports she handed me said that there needed to be significant work done on the 'basement,'" Roseanne motions in air quotes. "But on my copies of the blueprints and yours, there doesn't seem to be one."

"Hm...that's odd. I don't remember writing that.. and I definitely don't know anything about a basement." He hooks the clipboard under his arm to look Roseanne in the eyes. "I have to talk to the team and see who wrote those reports last."

"Thank you." She nods. "Call me if you find out more."

As Roseanne turns away she can't help but feel unsettled inside. If it wasn't Jungkook's doing, then who wrote it? Someone wasn't telling her something. They wouldn't just write a line about something that didn't exist.

Roseanne pushes the heavy door open with a loud creeaak, and it thuds shut behind her. The mugginess of the night air settles around her, and she begins walking to her car before a curious thought stops her. Her eyes wander over to the right, and she changes her course to the building's east side.

Just as she'd remembered, the street slopes down underneath the building into a small lot area. It was fairly well lit, considering there wasn't a car in sight. No sign of people at all, really. But at the far end of the lot, she could see what she was looking for. A set of double doors, marked with the school's previous name in faded print.

Roseanne strode over, percussive heels tapping away at the cement. She ascends the short flight of stairs before stopping in front of the door. She lays her hands on the metal bar, her heart pounding in her ears. Anything could be behind these doors. Will all she could muster, she gave it a push.

And it didn't budge.

Roseanne tried again. And again. Nothing. Doors like these could only be locked from the inside, so even if she knew how to pick a lock (which she didn't), it would've been no use. Eventually, she threw her arms out in frustration, stomping back over to the stairs and taking a seat. She crossed her arms and let out an exasperated "Hmph." She knew acting like this wasn't going to change anything. Throwing a temper tantrum wasn't going to get the door open, but at least she was doing something. She sat there for a moment, ruminating in her frustration, before noticing something on the stair next to her foot.

It was a small plastic baggie, the kind you'd see with buttons inside when you bought a new pair of dress pants, but there weren't any buttons. Instead, the bag seemed to contain a tiny blue piece of paper. Roseanne picked it up to take a closer look. The piece of paper inside had a black marking on it : A circle with a letter 'M' in the center.

What is this? Why is it here? Did someone know I was coming?

A million questions were running through Roseanne's head, but she knew she didn't have long before she had to leave. She was supposed to meet Jisoo at home in twenty minutes to discuss catering for the event on Saturday. In a spur of the moment decision, Roseanne slips the baggie into her front pantspocket.


She jolts at the sudden sound. It's coming from behind the door.


Roseanne gets up frantically, nearly falling down the steps. She slips out of her heels, trying not make a sound, grabbing them and making a run for it.


The sound seemed to travel so far and so quick that it almost felt like it was following her, even as she ascended to the street level. She rounds the corner quickly, fumbling with her keys before finally opening the car. She throws her heels in the back, starts the engine, and speeds off and away from the school as fast as possible.

The entire car ride, Roseanne's hands are white-knuckle gripping the steering wheel.

Note to self: Don't go looking for basements.

[slightly shorter chapter because our lovelies are about to meet ;)) ]

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