Chapter 7: Thai and Cinder-Rosie

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" didn't kiss her?"

Jennie leans against the side of Lisa's Mercedes, looking very engrossed in chowing down on her poppyseed bagel. Lisa had to drive from the Seongdong drop point that morning to pick up the newest shipment, since Yongsan was now off the table for any type of mob dealings. Jennie's only corporate meeting of the day was cancelled, so she decided to tag along for Lisa's daily distributions.

Lisa shuts the lid of her trunk with a click.
"No, idiot. I have to keep her coming back for more."

"Sounds like an excuse for having dropped the ball.." Jennie trails off, taking a generous bite.

"Says the girl who suddenly forgot how to speak the second a pretty girl came around." She rounds the back of the car to mimic Jennie's prepubescent demeanor from the night before.
"S-so very nice to m-meet you K-Kim J-Jisoo!" Lisa mocks, earning her a hard slap on the arm.

"Shut up!!" Jennie's face reddens as she stomps back over to the passenger side. She gets inside, angrily slamming the door as Lisa feels a light buzzing in her pocket.
The caller ID screen is lit with an unfamiliar number, which she answers hesitantly.


"Lalisa?" Roseanne's sweet voice melodizes her name.
Well wouldn't you know...

"Miss Park." She smiles. "Please, just Lisa is fine."

"Alrighty, then 'just Lisa'."

Jennie knocks from the inside of the vehicle, pointing at the phone and flashing a 'What gives?' sort of expression. Lisa mouths Roseanne's name and Jennie's eyebrows raise dramatically. She wiggles them at the blonde, to which the latter rolls her eyes and smiles to herself.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?" Lisa inquires, ensuring each word comes out as languid and attractive as possible.
"Oh yes, right..." Roseanne pauses for a moment. Lisa can sense the older girl's uneasiness in the way she breathes before she speaks. "This might seem a little bit um...forward of me but-"

"Are you trying to ask me out on a date, Miss Park Chaeyoung?"

The girl on the other end doesn't say anything for a moment. When she does, her speech comes out in fragmented syllables. "I...uh..."

Lisa can't help but smile at Roseanne's panicked demeanor. There's no dishonesty to it. It feels true to her divine nature: soft, shy, and pure.

"I'm free tomorrow night, if you're available maybe we could go get dinner somewhere?" Lisa cuts in again. "How does Thai sound?"

"Um...yes....yeah, t-that sounds perfect."

"It's settled then." Lisa smirks. "Tomorrow, 8 o'clock, at The Red Chili. Would you like me to pick you up or-"

"No, no it's okay. I can get there on my own." Roseanne blurts. Lisa's slightly saddened by the older girl's eagerness to get there on her own, but they also did just meet. She couldn't blame Roseanne for wanting to be overly cautious. To be quite fair, Lisa was the leader of a drug ring.

"Tomorrow, 8 o'clock, Red Chili." Roseanne repeats back, almost as if to assert her conviction to their little rendezvous.

"Alright then." She speaks warmly. "You have a wonderful rest of your day, Miss Park."

"You aswell, Lali- shit, I mean...ugh."

The blonde chuckles heartily. This girl is too cute for her own good.
"Goodbye Chaeyoung." She chuckles, finally hanging up the call. Lisa gets back into her car, only to be immediately bombarded by questions from a very nosy Jennie Kim.

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