Chapter 12: Monkey Bites

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The faint morning light shines in from Roseanne's floor-to-ceiling bedroom window, waking her slowly from her slumber. She turns onto her stomach, letting an arm reach out lazily for the form she expects to be lying in her bed.

But there isn't one.

Roseanne cranes her neck up from her pillow and confirms that Lisa, is in fact, gone. She pushes herself up into a cobra pose, stretching out her back with a groan, when she notices a folded note sitting on her side table. Roseanne picks it up, flopping onto her back as she delicately unfolds the paper.


I'm sorry to leave you so early. There's some important business I have to attend to today, but I promise I'll drop by again and bring the belongings you left.

Right... I left my stuff at her apartment.
I really am a dumbass.

I'll also go see about your other things at the Red Chili and get those for you too. I was stupid and didn't say it before, but I'm sorry that our night got ruined by those guys.

It wasn't. It was perfect.

I will make it up to you, I promise.



p.s. Thank you for the goodnight kisses 

A flushed smile creeps across Roseanne's face and she holds the letter to her chest, heart thumping happily. She could barely take Lisa's sweetness. As much Chaeyoung wished Lisa was there physically, she was thankful for the little gesture, and her only thoughts travelled to when she'd see the blonde beauty again. She brings the paper to her nose and sniffs lightly.


She turns onto her side and the sheets are bathed in the same delicate fragrance. She lay there curled up in Lisa's former spot, soaking in the scent and letting it envelope her, imagining as though Lisa's arms were around her once more. It was nearly enough to soothe her back to sleep...

until the doorbell rings.

"Yooohooo." Jisoo's voice calls.

Roseanne's eyes shoot open. Damnit.

She gets up and waddles over to the door, opening it to find her grey-suited unnie smiling back at her with a hard hat sitting slightly askew on her head.

"Good morning sunshine." Jisoo strolls in. She takes the helmet off and starts pulling off her wedges.  "You finally learned how to lock your door."

"Where'd you come from?" Chaeyoung asks, shutting the door behind her. "And what time is it?"
She walks over to the arm of the couch so she can sit and talk more comfortably.

"11." Jisoo replies. "I went to go visit the site this morning. I also talked to Jungkook about the whole basement thing and-"

Jisoo stops mid-sentence when she notices the heap of black lying on the ground. She lifts it up and turns to the pink-haired girl.


"Chaeyoung, who's is this?"

"Mine." Roseanne replies quickly. Just act natural.

Jisoo squints at her. "You don't own black.."
There's a moment of suspicious scanning from the older girl, until her eyes widen in recollection of their last conversation. Her hand comes up to cover her mouth in shock.

"Now Jisoo-"

"SEXY BLONDE CHICK!!" Jisoo runs over to tackle Chaeyoung onto the couch. "DID YOU DO THE NASTY LAST NIGHT WITH LISA?!!"

The Demon, The Angel, And The City of Sound (Chaelisa)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن