Chapter 16: Safe

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[well hello wattpad... long time no see.

told you I didn't forget about this story. I just had some healing to do (mentally and physically). I'm taking time off of school and getting back into the groove of things that I love again, including writing. 

here's a little gift of fluff for your troubles. and yes, we have the injured trope, y'all.

-d <3]

Chaos descends upon Chaeyoung's Heaven Hills home at the burst of the front door.

The four women rush in, Jisoo making ample way for the others. A half-conscious Lisa is propped up (with much difficulty) by Chaeyoung and Jennie, who clamber up the small flight to Chaeyoung's foyer. Lisa, barely able to walk, winces at every step. From the darkening contusions along her jaw and encircling her right eye, to the burgeoning red spot soaking through her left pantleg, one thing was abundantly clear - our Lisa was not looking too good.

Jisoo throws open the white double doors of Chaeyoung's bedroom, and the frantic women flood in.

"Set her down on the bed."

"Roseanne, what about your shee-"

"I don't give a shit just put her in the goddamned bed!" Chaeyoung yells. 

Jennie tightens up at the sudden outburst and swallows, nodding silently.

"Feisty." Lisa chuckles dryly, lips bloodied. Chaeyoung rolls her eyes.

The pair carefully lift Lisa bridal-style and set her down on the King bed. The blonde shows clear signs of discomfort at every minor movement. She doesn't stop grimacing until the others carefully move her to a more comfortable laying position. Roseanne takes extra care in propping Lisa's blood-strewn leg on one of the down pillows. Her eyes momentarily flash toward the state of the luxury French pillows. The constellations of burgundy splotches resemble something like a sadistic Jackson Pollock painting.

But it isn't really the expense of her imported linens that she's concerned about. No, it's the way she pictures Lisa's legs tangled up in those same sheets just last night. Fine ivory amid cotton. The way the night pooled around the whirlwind of their bodies. The heat of Lisa's breath, the supple and the rough, the dips in her muscles, pressure of a lean body on top of her own. The taste of her had barely been sated on Chaeyoung's tongue before Lisa was here again. Only this time, limp and languid, the juxtaposition of which threatened to dredge up some of Chaeyoung's deepest rooted fears.

Ignoring the stinging feeling in her eyes, Chaeyoung realizes Lisa is studying her carefully. She must have noticed Chaeyoung lost in her thoughts.

"You look hot when you're thinking." The blonde half-smiles mischievously. "I may just have to ravish you, Chaeyoung."

"You had better shut it before you get yourself into more trouble with me." Chaeyoung snaps. She had not the patience nor the emotional capacity to laugh right now. She turns to Jisoo, speaking more gently this time. "Unnie, can you grab the first aid and the rubbing alcohol please. It's underneath the sink." With a nod, Jisoo slips out of the door.

Chaeyoung then turns to the Jennie, who looks on expectantly. Remembering she had been quite harsh with the raven-haired girl earlier, Chaeyoung eases the reigns.  "Jennie Unnie, if you go out into the hallway, there's a cupboard with towels. Could you grab them for me?"

"On it." Jennie nods and exits. 

The silence hangs heavily in the room between the two remaining women. Chaeyoung huffs exasperatedly. She avoids eye contact, cracking her knuckles. The friction makes the dried blood on her hands scrape off like eraser shavings. She wipes them away.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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