Chapter 15: Let's Dance, Lalisa

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[....... guess who's back with a VERY long, VERY overdue chapter to make up for their absence :)) ]




Everything is melting.

At least that's what it looks and feels like to Lisa. Each time the bass hits, the entire aura of the room changes. Pink, red, orange, blue, green. Like a pulsating light show that doesn't seem to end. The walls breathe as if they're alive and the faceless crowd of bodies just continues to swell and sway and push the girl in every direction. Even just being in this space is much too overwhelming for our drug duchess to process.

Lisa figures her sight won't serve her much use, so she instead shuts her eyes and channels her efforts toward breaking out of this damned crowd. Once she enters some open space, she walks forward until her fingertips meet the smooth wall. Lisa takes slow steps along its length, bumping into some people along the way. Occasionally, they utter things at her in aggravated tones, but she can't actually make out what they're saying. All of the loud noises in the room blend together into one thick auditory soup. After a few more feet of careful walking, Lisa feels a small bump. A bolt. Approximately two inches from another one. She traces the full shape the lines of them make. A vertical metal rectangle. She pushes, and blinks slowly at florescent ivory light that bathes her.

Never in her years would Lisa imagine being this excited in finding a bathroom.

When she finds it empty, Lisa makes a beeline for the sink, turning on the faucet to splash some cold water on her face. She sighs as the droplets hit her skin. She raises her head to look at her reflection in the mirror and her breath catches in her throat. Lisa can't even distinguish her own features. Her eyeball seems to be sinking down her face. She tries to prod it back into the socket, only to feel the sensation of her finger lightly tapping against her cheek.

It's not real Lis, get a FUCKING grip.

Her lipstick looks like it's dripping right off of her like red paint. She tries to catch the dribbling mess before it falls into the sink below, but it disappears somewhere into her hand, creating pond-like ripples in her skin.

What the fuck..

Nothing is making sense anymore. The longer Lisa looks, the less she can understand.

Lisa manages to shut the sink off and stumble into one of the stalls, fumbling with the lock until she's sure it's shut. She turns, back bumping into the side wall. The impact startles Lisa a little, and her knees buckle. She slides all the way down to the floor.

Lisa pulls her knees into her chest in an attempt to stabilize. Her internal monologue is screaming for help, but she knows she's all alone in this. Lisa chose to do it by herself. She could sit here and put the blame on V or Jennie, but it was her decision all along, and she would have to accept the consequences.
She just wished everything would stop spinning for a couple of minutes. To get out of this fucking mess. To actually feel like she knew what was real. To have someone hold her and tell her she was going to be alright.

No, not just someone...

Lisa digs into the pocket of her blazer and pulls out her phone. She presses down on the home button, and the device dings in response.

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