Chapter 14: Not My Girlfriend

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"Kim Jisoo.. you went on a DATE and you didn't tell me?!" Roseanne blurts, practically spitting out her panini. "Am I even a best friend to you??"

"I mean nothing happened I didn't think it was important!" Jisoo counters shrilly. She clears out the last of her mimosa with a long sip from her bendy straw. "She barely looked up from her phone the entire time."

"That's models for you." Roseanne rolls her eyes. "What did you say her name was again? Iris?"


"That's the girl that was on the cover of Vogue last month, yeah?"

"Yup." Jisoo sets her glass aside, then tongues her cheek as a curious thought crosses her mind. "Do you keep up with hot model girls often then?"

"Vogue is literally one of the biggest fashion mags in Korea. Not everything has to be gay, Soo."

Roseanne finishes her panini, rubbing the crumbs off of her hands. She washes it down with some mimosa before speaking again. "At least I don't have a type."

Jisoo raises her eyebrows. "I have a type?"

"Tiny black-haired chicks with bad bitch energy." Chaeyoung smiles.

The response earns a chuckle from the older woman, and she nods, relaxing back into her chair. "Can't argue with that."

A gentle-eyed aproned man arrives to give Jisoo a refill of her mimosa, just as a soft vibrating tone sounds from Roseanne's bag. The two women express their thanks to their server, an just as he leaves, Chaeyoung fishes the phone out of her purse.

"Sorry, someone's calling me." Roseanne whispers apologetically. Jisoo waves it off, happily sipping her second mimosa without a care in the world as Chaeyoung hits the accept button.


"Um, hello?" A woman's voice answers. "Is this Miss Park?"

"Yes I'm sorry, who is this?"

"Kim Jennie."

Chaeyoung's eyes widen. She looks to Jisoo, who's giving the younger a questioning glance.

"Kim Jennie!" Roseanne repeats exuberantly. "Hi!"

Jisoo practically does a spit take at hearing the media star's name and suddenly has no other interest than in Chaeyoung's conversation. She leans across the table and Roseanne has to push her best friend back into the seat to calm her down.

"I'm sorry to spring this up on you, but Lisa's in a bit of a bind at the office and she asked me to drop off some of your things."

"A bind at the office?" Roseanne's forehead creases.

Lisa doesn't work at an office.

Chaeyoung's brain harkens back to the gunshots ringing in her ears, running through dark alleyways and gripping onto Lisa's hand for dear life. Did Jennie know about what happened that night? Obviously, Lisa hadn't cared to mention that Chaeyoung knew about the drug ring, otherwise Jennie wouldn't be lying about it now.

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