Part five- Libra

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(October 2nd,1993, midnight)

Blue light floods the room, emanating from the glowing screen in the centre of the otherwise pitch black room.

Moonlight peeks through a crack in the midnight blue drapes, bright white and milky against the harsh television light, which makes shadows dance on the walls like puppets.

He sits on the edge of the small bed, on top of the faded duvet cover, the characters depicted barely recognisable. The Legend of Zelda flashes around on the screen, deep into the Ganon boss battle. On screen, the young boy's avatar struggles against the invisible boss, unruly fireballs coming at him from every direction A single infuriating strand of greasy dark blonde hair flops around in his face, getting stuck in his thick framed glasses, yet it returns promptly after being blown away, time after time.

A shelf of mint condition action figures sits above the single bed, they stand proudly in the original packaging. One sits neglected behind the others, box crumpled and collecting dust.


A sliver of light streams through underneath the door to the boys room, he feels his heart drop into his stomach.

"Shit, shit, SHHHH," he curses, hastily unplugging the console, and diving under his covers. The door handle begins to move...

He shuts his eyes and breathes, yet his curiosity got the better of him, he opened his left eye, just a crack. Watching the wedge of llight grow, he holds his breath.

A figure stands in his doorway, all the poor boy can see is a small silhouette, he knows it is not his mother. Steps grow closer, a tiny weight depresses the end of his bed, a timid hand reaches out... it lightly strokes his forehead. The weight lifts, the footsteps lighten, and the door is shut again.

He lets out a shaky breath, it was just his younger brother. Sweet little kid, he grins as he rolls over to face the window.

Through the crack in the curtains, he can make out the street sign...


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