Chapter 1

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"Get away from me!" I yelled. I ran into my room, locking the door behind me, and running into the bathroom, also locking the door. I climbed into the cupboards, staying as quiet as possible, a small sniffle escaping my nose. I'm running from my brother, who is trying to make me go to the dentist.
My name is Aria, but everyone just calls my Ari. I'm 14 years old, and my brother's name is Xavier, but I never call him that, unless I'm really mad at him, or I'm really scared of him. Our parents died a few years ago, but they were abusive so I wasn't really affected by their deaths. Xavier took custody of me, so now I live with him. Xavier is trying to get me to go to the dentist, and I hate the the dentist, but what makes it even worse is that Xavier is my dentist.
"Aria Logan Blake, if you don't come out now, you're grounded for two weeks!" At that point, I knew I was not coming out anything soon, unless he dragged me. I heard him pick the lock on my bedroom door, and I was freaking out. I heard him look in the closet, under my bed, and then he tried to open my bathroom door. He tried to pick the lock, but for some reason, the lock is unpickable. "That's it, you're grounded Aria Logan!"
I heard him walk away, so I climbed out of the cupboard. All of a sudden, the door fell off it's hinges, and my brother stood there with a screwdriver in his hand, and an angry look on his face. He grabbed my arm, and dragged me out of my room. He picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder. I hit his back, trying to get out of his grip, but I was stuck. "I still need my shoes, Xavier Mitchell!" "I'll come back and get them once I put you in the car." Xavier put me down in the front seat, locking the doors and going back into the house to get my shoes. He came out with my black vans. He climbed into the driver's seat, and he handed my my shoes. He still looked mad, and I was still mad at him, so there was a tense silence all the way to his office. We pulled into the parking lot of Family Smiles Dentistry, where Xavier and his best friend, Gabriel worked as partners. Xavier got out of the car, and walked around to the passenger side. He opened the door, picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder again. "I'm not a little child, Xavier Mitchell!" I yelled. "I can walk on my own!" "But do I trust you? No, I don't." He replied. He carried me into the office, and into an exam room, and put me down on the chair which I immediately jumped out of, running to the door, only to find it locked. I looked at Xavier, who had a smirk on his face. "You can't run anymore, so why don't you just let me check your teeth? After that we can go home and watch movies all day." He said. "But I don't want you to check my teeth." I whined. "Come on Ari, just get it over with." "I don't want to, Xavier Mitchell, what don't you understand about that?" "Fine." He said, "I'll just call Gabe." "Nononononono! Please don't call Gabe, I'll even let you check my teeth!" I exclaimed. I was terrified of Gabe, and the sad part is, he's actually pretty nice, especially when he's not in dentist mode. When he's in dentist mode though, it makes him seem way more scary, especially because he's 6'3, and because when I won't cooperate,he just sedates me, and I hate that because then I don't have any control. "I guess that works." Said Xavier, smiling, with a small chuckle. "You need to sit in the chair first, Ari." He said. I slowly approached the chair, and I sat down. Xavier started to lean the chair back, and soon it was parallel to the ground. Xavier pulled on gloves and a mask and said "Can you open your mouth, Ari?" I shook my head no, tears forming in my eyes. "Please?" He asked. I slowly opened my mouth, and Xavier started tapping my teeth with some weird pointy tool and all of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in one of my teeth. I immediately closed my mouth, and jumped out of the chair, running to the opposite side of the room. "Come back, Ari." Said Xavier, quietly. "I won't touch that tooth again." "No." I whimpered. "C'mon, please, little sis?" "No." I said again. "OK, if that's how you want to deal with things." He said. He got off his stool, removed his gloves and mask, and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He presses something and put his phone to his ear. "Yeah, hey Gabe it's me. Ari is at the office and she won't cooperate, can you come give me a hand?" He said. "Nononono! I'll behave, please Xavey?" "Thanks, man." Said Xavier into his phone and he hung up. "It's too late, Ari, you ran me out of options." He said back.
After he said that, I ran to a corner and immediately curled up into a ball. About ten minutes later, I heard the exam room door open, and in walked Gabe. "Hey Ari, what's the matter, why won't you cooperate with your big bro?" He asked me. "I hate him." I replied. I looked up and saw Gabe with a sorta shocked look, but it also looked like he was expecting it. I looked towards Xavier, and he looked a bit mad. I looked back at Gabe, and he was signing something to my brother in sign language. Another thing about Gabe and my brother, is that they both learned sign language to they can communicate without their patients noticing, except I have known them way to long, so I know that they do this. I saw Xavier nod, and in that moment I knew, Gabe was going to sedate me. I looked at me arm, saw a needle, and soon felt a stinging sensation, followed by drowsiness the last thing a heard was Gabe saying "I'm so sorry baby girl." And then I saw black

My Brother, My Fear, Dr. Xavier Blake, DDSWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt