Chapter 2

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When I woke up, I was in the dentist's chair, and I was strapped down. "Xavier Mitchell! Where the hell are you?" I yelled. I heard a chuckle from behind me, so I turned around and saw Gabe and my brother hanging a conversation. "I'm right here, sissy, don't freak out." I scowled at him. "Hey now, princess, don't get mad at us, we need to talk to you about something." "What?" I asked, crossly. "Ari, you had a cavity." Said Xavier. "While I was filling it, I noticed the positioning of some of your teeth." "So what?" I asked. "Ari, you need braces." Said Gabe. "Well I refuse." I said. "You might have a hard time with that, Ari" Said my brother. "Because Gabe is now your orthodontist." "I hate both of you!" I screamed at them. "I know princess, you're lucky you have to be awake for this otherwise you'd be fast asleep right now." Said Gabe. "I hate you so much, Gabriel Benson!" I screamed. "Now Ari, I won't be putting your braces on right now, I just have to take x-rays, take molds, have a look at your teeth and put in spacers." Explained Gabe. "Well I won't let you." I said stubbornly. "Well I'm doing it anyways, so you can cooperate or not." Said Gabe. "Ari, if you cooperate for Gabe, when we're done, I'll take you out for ice cream." Pleads Xavier. "Can I get two scoops?" I asked. "No, you know how bad that is for your teeth." He replied. "Then I'm gonna give Dr. Benson a really hard time here." I sassed. "Fine, you can get two scoops." He said. "But you have to cooperate for Gabe." "Fine."
"Let's get started here, Miss Blake. If you could open your mouth for me, that would be great." I rolled my eyes, and opened my mouth, only because I really wanted ice cream.
"I see what you mean when you said she had a pretty bad overbite and cross bite." Said Gabe. "Yeah, she's also a little crowded on the top and bottom. Do you think that might be a problem?"
"Possibly." Said Gabe, and just as he said that, he touched a really sensitive area of the back for my mouth and I gagged. I tried to sit up and cough, but I couldn't, so I had to cough lying down, but then I started choking on my own spit. I started to panic, and wheezed out the word straps. "Oh crap!" Xavier exclaimed. He rushed to my side and quickly took off the straps. "I'm sorry princess." Gabe apologized "I didn't know you had such a bad gag reflex." "Well now you know," I replied. I'm still slightly pissed at him for that. "Can you lay back down, Ari?" Said Gabe "I'm almost done." "Just... be careful." I answered." "I will princess." He said. He continued to examine my mouth for the next few minutes, mumbling things under his breath. "Now x-rays." Said Gabe. "You know what to do, right?" He asked. I just nodded. "Open." I opened my mouth and Gabe slipped a piece or film into my mouth. "Now bite down." He said. Gabe and Xavier left the room and I heard a buzz and then they came back in. Gabe took the film out of my mouth and put another one in. They left the room again and I heard the buzz again. Gabe came back and took the film out of my mouth. He then took all the straps off me, and tilted the chair upright. "Am I done?" I asked. "Not yet princess." Gabe replied. "I have to do molds, but you might have a small problem because of your strong gag reflex. Just do the best you can, take deep breaths through your nose, and try squeezing your hands into fists." Said Gabe.
He filled this tray with pink goop, and held if in front of me. "Open your mouth, princess." He said, softly. I opened my mouth, and Gabe immediately shoved the tray into my mouth, and I almost puked, that's how bad it was. "Almost done baby." Said my brother, grabbing my hand. A minute later, Gabe took the tray out, and picked up another one. "There's another one?!?" I asked, slightly panicked. "Yes princess, only one more though." I opened my mouth, and Gabe placed the tray in more slowly this time. After another minute, he took it out and grave me a cup of water. "You can rinse your mouth out in the sink, Ari." I walked over to the sink, and tried to get the horrible taste out of my mouth.
After a minute, I was done, so I started walking towards the door, but Xavier then picked me up and put me in the chair again. "Not done yet, sissy." He said, sadly. "One more thing Ari." Said Gabe from behind me. He reclined the chair, and put on gloves and a mask. "Open, princess." He said. I slowly opened my mouth, wondering about what he was going to do. All of a sudden, I felt a lot of preassure in my back teeth, but i kept still. Then I felt in again in each of the back corners of my mouth, and it hurt. "It hurts," I whined. "Take it out." You have to leave them there for the next week, Ari, it'll help me put your braces on." Said Gabe. He started to lean the chair up, and I leaned out of it, running over to my brother, and jumping on his lap, crying. "You're too big for this, Ari." He said, laughing. But then he saw that I was crying, and he started hugging me. "I know, I know, it hurts baby." He said. "I've had braces too." "I hate Gabe." I sobbed, into his shirt. "I know you do." He said. "But at least we can go get ice cream now." He picked me up bridal style, and stood up. "See ya soon, man." He said to Gabe. "Sure thing." Replied Gabe.
"Is there anything you want to say to say to Gabe?" Asked Xavier
"I hate you." I said. "Love you too, princess." Said Gabe. "I'll see you guys next week."
And with that, Xavier carried me out to the car.

My Brother, My Fear, Dr. Xavier Blake, DDSWhere stories live. Discover now